During the decline of the Galactic Republic, on the moon Uffel in the Cularin system, a military droid named HG-211, programmed with a masculine personality, functioned as the chief of security for a droid community. Around 31 BBY, LN-73, a renegade protocol droid, crash-landed on Uffel amidst a debris storm and commenced sabotaging droid manufacturing plants in the city of X2-4. To uncover the source of the vandalism, HG-211 contracted the Heroes of Cularin, a band of independent agents. Upon discovering HG-211's investigation, LN-73 used a power surge from a computer terminal to disable him. Nevertheless, the agents triumphed over LN-73, and HG-211 was subsequently repaired.
Roughly eleven years later, soldiers belonging to the Thaereian military, a military force operating within the Cularin system, invaded Uffel and seized a production line in X2-4. The Thaereians' presence triggered a protocol within the programming of half the droids on Uffel, causing them to turn against organic life. HG-211 then assumed leadership of a faction of loyal droids that opposed these anti-organic machines. He once again sought the assistance of the Heroes of Cularin, this time to drive out the Thaereian invaders and resolve the droid conflict.
During the waning years of the Galactic Republic, a military droid with masculine programming, HG-211, was stationed on the moon Uffel located within the Cularin system. He was responsible for the security of a community of droids running various droid production facilities on the moon, and his headquarters was located in the city of X2-4. Around 31 BBY, a debris storm caused the ancient protocol droid LN-73 to crash on Uffel. This droid, originally sent by investor Hesk Beldross about fifty years prior to take control of Uffel's droid production, began its plan to dominate Uffel by sabotaging the moon's manufacturing lines, including one producing MSF-series droids, a variant of the MSE-series mouse droid. In response to the sabotage, HG-211 mandated that all droids on the MSF production line be fitted with restraining bolts to prevent them from influencing other droids.
Shortly after LN-73's reactivation, the droids of Uffel suspended their production schedule to accommodate tourist visits to the moon. The protocol droid LV-15 was assigned to guide a group that included the Heroes of Cularin, a renowned team of freelance agents operating in the system. Upon LV-15 leading the tourists into X2-4, HG-211 relieved the protocol droid and took over the escort duties, leading the agents to his office. There, he played a hologram of Gor Kolomo, a deceased Twi'lek under whose name the droids of Uffel managed their affairs. The hologram then hired the agents to investigate the recent acts of sabotage. HG-211 provided the agents with comlinks and translator units to aid their investigation and introduced them to IT-series droid IT-R9, who was tasked by the Uffel Research and Development facility with observing the behavior of organic beings.
After the agents examined the production lines and droid development facilities in X2-4 for clues about the saboteur's identity, HG-211 contacted them via comlink, requesting they return to his office to share their findings. However, LN-73, having learned of HG-211's investigation, initiated a power cell overload while the security droid was interviewing the agents, causing a surge at HG-211's computer terminal, thus incapacitating him. The Heroes of Cularin then located and defeated LN-73, and HG-211 was taken for repairs. Two hours later, the repairs were completed, and HG-211 thanked the agents for their services. He compensated them with credits and gifted them MSF-111, an MSF-series unit that had become fond of the agents during the investigation.
Around 20 BBY, during the Clone Wars, the Thaereian military, a force from the Thaereian system responsible for the defense of the Cularin system under the Republic, engaged in an armed conflict with the rival Cularin Militia. The Thaereians landed on Uffel to seize control of the droid production facilities in an attempt to subvert the droids to their cause. HG-211 led a security team to repel the invaders, but the Thaereians countered with ion guns, disabling the droids' electrical systems. Consequently, HG-211 was unable to defeat the Thaereians, and the soldiers occupied a military droid production line in X2-4.
This incursion activated hidden protocols within the programming of roughly half of Uffel's droids, making them hostile to all organic beings. Some of these rogue droids barricaded themselves inside the X2-4 Research and Development facility. HG-211, not programmed with these anti-organic protocols, had his technicians examine one of the insurrectionist droids. He soon became the leader of a loyalist faction that opposed the Thaereian encroachment but held no animosity towards organics. He established his headquarters within a security post in X2-4 and sought ways to reverse the protocols and drive out the Thaereians. He feared that news of the anti-organic programming would damage the reputation of Uffel droids across the wider galaxy.
The Cularin Militia, upon learning of the Thaereian invasion, dispatched the Heroes of Cularin to restore order. They arrived on Uffel a week after the initial attack. Hearing of their arrival, HG-211 sent the loyalist protocol droid OO-7JB to guide them to his headquarters. He then appealed to the agents for help in repelling the Thaereians and removing the hostile droid protocols, to which they agreed.
The Thaereian military discovered the anti-organic protocols and attempted to transmit a signal to activate them in all Uffel-built droids throughout the Cularin system. However, the Heroes of Cularin thwarted the transmission and defeated the Thaereian forces on the moon. In recognition of their efforts, HG-211 sent a thank-you note to the Cularin Militia.
HG-211 was a tall, lanky military droid resembling an early IG-series droid. His gunmetal gray torso was marked with thick, black stripes, one of which was crossed by a thin, red wire indicating a self-destruct mechanism known only to him. He was prepared to activate this system if it aided in the defense of the Uffel droid colony. HG-211 was also armed with two mounted blaster pistols and equipped with a sensor package, a motion detector, and infrared vision.
Despite his military role, HG-211 was programmed with a diplomacy mode that made him behave in a perfunctory manner when activated. While he was not particularly fond of organic beings and considered droids superior in many ways, he harbored no ill will towards them. After the sabotage on Uffel, he initially doubted a droid could be responsible, and when LN-73 was revealed as the culprit, HG-211 felt grumpy and slightly humiliated for being proven wrong. He was directly involved in managing Uffel's droid manufacturing facilities and, following the Thaereian invasion, worried that the anti-organic protocols would damage public confidence in Uffel-built droids. The droid administrator N-4PO considered HG-211 brutish and believed he lacked understanding of the best interests of Uffel's droids.
HG-211 was first mentioned in the Living Force Campaign Guide in 2001, a sourcebook by Robert Wiese and Andy Collins for the Living Force roleplaying campaign. He later appeared in the roleplaying adventure Something Uffel, by Morrie Mullins, in the campaign's first year, and in Uffel's Prisoners, by Rob Edwards, in 2004. He also received an entry in the 2008 The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia.
Players in the Living Force campaign roleplay as the Heroes of Cularin, and their decisions during Something Uffel and Uffel's Prisoners can influence HG-211's actions. In Something Uffel, HG-211 arrives with a team of warrior droids to stop the player characters if they modify or reprogram droids in X2-4 or fire upon MSF droids. During the investigation into LN-73's sabotage, players can discover a worm feeding information to a satellite in orbit of Uffel. Informing HG-211 leads him to immediately destroy the satellite using X2-4's military defense systems. Alternatively, players can attempt to connect datapads to droids under production, causing those droids to shut down. If three or more droids are deactivated this way, HG-211 arrives and scolds the agents for their lack of attention. However, players can negotiate with HG-211 for permission to continue connecting to the droids, arguing that data gathering is beneficial to their investigation.
In Uffel's Prisoners, HG-211 is pleased to see player characters who participated in Something Uffel and engages his diplomacy mode. Depending on their skills, HG-211 can task the agents with resolving the droid schism, driving out the Thaereians, or both. If the players fail to prevent the Thaereians from activating the anti-organic protocols, droid revolts erupt throughout the Cularin system, and the Cularin Militia intelligence chief Major Xirossk enlists HG-211's help in countering the rogue droids. HG-211 assures Xirossk that the loyalist droids can resolve the problem but warns that pacifying the renegade droids will take several weeks.