Unidentified Batuu vantage point

A specific overlook existed on the planet of Batuu, providing a panorama of the surrounding landscape and the town of Peka. This overlook was identifiable by three rocks marking it as a sacred place for an ancient faith. It was a preferred meditation spot for Jedi Knight Silandra Sho. Circa 379 Before the Battle of Yavin, Sho's apprentice, Rooper Nitani, journeyed to this location while searching for her mentor's defense, a task assigned to her as part of her Jedi initiation.


Positioned on Batuu, the overlook was situated upon a tan rock formation several miles from a woodland near the Batuu Jedi enclave. From this vantage, one could observe the settlement of Peka and the encompassing countryside. Its location was closer to Peka than to the enclave. A circular arrangement of three boulders denoted the overlook as a site of worship and deep respect for a long-ago belief system.


Padawan Rooper Nitani visited the vantage point during her Jedi Trials.

Jedi Knight Silandra Sho, stationed on Batuu, frequently visited the overlook. In the vicinity of 379 BBY, Sho tasked her apprentice, Rooper Nitani, with the retrieval of her Master's protection as a component of her Jedi tests. Accompanied by P3-7A, a religious droid, Nitani explored Sho's favorite locations on Batuu, including the overlook, in her quest for the shield. Upon reaching the overlook, she paused to absorb the view, finding it remarkably beautiful. Nitani did not locate the shield there, nor did she truly expect to. Instead, she hoped that visiting the overlook would help her think like Sho. While contemplating her Master's viewpoint, Nitani came to the realization that Sho saw the shield's purpose as protecting others. Spotting Peka from the overlook, she understood that she would find people there and resolved to go to the village.

Behind the scenes

The Batuu overlook featured in the short story "Shield of the Jedi," penned by George Mann and included in the 2023 young-adult collection The High Republic: Tales of Light and Life as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic transmedia initiative.

