During the era of the High Republic, there existed a human female Jedi Knight known as Rooper Nitani. She learned the ways of the Force as a Padawan under the tutelage of Jedi Master Silandra Sho. Nitani, originally from the planet Rohm, was brought into the Jedi Order during her youth. She yearned for excitement, often finding her experiences with her Master's team of Republic Pathfinders to be somewhat monotonous. ## Biography ### Early life and training In 397 BBY, Rooper Nitani's birth occurred on Rohm, after which she was taken to Coruscant for training by the Jedi. Around 389 BBY, at the age of eight, she became the Padawan of Silandra Sho, a Jedi Master. For training purposes, Nitani and Sho would sometimes visit Geptish between missions. She also honed her skills on the Moon of Barroth, specifically practicing Force jumping. She frequently engaged in sparring sessions with Porter Engle. ### Journey to the Dalnan Sector While exploring the Galactic Frontier in the Outer Rim Territories with her master, Rooper Nitani's Pathfinder team was rerouted to Aubadas to investigate the discovery of EX-8C by the communication team of Amos Tillian and Kam. As they approached the twin planets of Aubadas and Gloam, she occupied the cockpit of the Umberfall. Nitani engaged in a discussion about the impending mission with Dietrix Jago. A sense of unease washed over Nitani as she gazed upon Gloam while the Pathfinder ship entered Aubadas' atmosphere in preparation for landing. Unable to locate the Katikoot city at the provided coordinates, Sho instructed Nitani to use her Force abilities to sense people and locate the city. She perceived a radiant light amidst the colors of the Force and guided the pilot to land near a gully. Once on the ground, she directed the group towards the location where she had sensed a large concentration of people, only to find nothing. During the group's discussion, Rooper noticed a figure observing them from the crest of the gully. She alerted her master, but the figure vanished. Concerned about a potential trap, Nitani was tasked with flanking the observer while the rest of the group maintained their attention. She used the Force to center herself and navigated through the gully to a tree. She climbed it to exit the gully and proceeded along the ridge, utilizing boulders and other natural features for cover. Working in tandem with her master, she somersaulted behind the observer at the same moment Sho used the Force to leap out of the gully and confront them. As the person attempted to flee, Nitani activated her lightsabers and blocked their path. Realizing their numerical disadvantage against the natives, she deactivated her lightsabers and attempted to communicate. She demanded to know why they had been watching them but struggled to understand their language. Mittik introduced herself to the two Jedi and explained the situation on Aubadas. When Mittik dismissed the Pathfinder team's usefulness and requested their departure, Nitani pleaded for them to stay and assist the Katikoot while they investigated the disappearance of Rok Buran and his team. As Mittik led the group towards the capital city of Diurna, Sho commended her Padawan for her diplomatic skills. Upon entering the cavern containing Diurna, Nitani was struck by its grandeur. She inquired whether the Katikoot could fly and learned that their wings were vestigial. The two Jedi were escorted to the chambers of the Grand Council where they were introduced to the minister of works, Kittik. He detailed the energy crisis on Aubadas and how Buran and his Pathfinder team had journeyed to Gloam to investigate the mining issues. Rooper was pleased when Sho decided they would also travel to Gloam to search for Buran and explore potential solutions for the Katikook. Nitani journeyed to Gloam. During the descent to the planet's surface, Rillik questioned her calmness amidst the turbulence. She attributed it to her trust in the Force but privately admitted to feeling unsettled by her Force-enhanced perception of the planet. Instead of the usual vibrant colors, Gloam's colors appeared muted and subdued. As they landed, Rillik began to cough and collapsed. Nitani had previously urged him to seek medical attention from Obik Dennisol, but the Katikoot miner refused. Despite Mittik's assertion that there was no known cure, Nitani insisted that the medic attempt to help Rillik. After ensuring his comfort, the team discussed a plan of action. EX-9B projected a hologram of the surrounding area's topographical map. Nitani felt a pull in the Force, as if someone was calling out to her. She reached out and located a life form in the wilderness, pinpointing its location within the hologram. She convinced Sho that they needed to investigate, while Dietrix and Mittik headed towards the ruins of a mining facility to search for the other Pathfinder team. As the two Jedi traveled, Nitani expressed doubts about her knowledge of the Force. Her master reassured her, expressing pride in Nitani and urging her to trust the Force and follow her instincts. They discovered a crashed Pathfinder ship called the Foundling. Investigating it, Nitani sensed a connection between the sabotaged ship and a deeper mystery on Gloam. The pair continued towards the person Nitani had sensed through the Force, entering a dense mangrove area. They were attacked by a group of predators but successfully fought them off. They emerged from the mangroves and discovered the remains of an ancient Jedi temple. While exploring the temple, they encountered a barricade of large stones blocking a passage. Realizing that someone must have used the Force to move the stones, Nitani and her Master focused and managed to clear the doorway together. Nitani commented on the intensity of the Force she felt, and Sho cautioned her against losing herself in it. They ventured deeper into the temple, where Nitani discovered a fresco depicting ancient Jedi holding back the dark. She realized that one of the figures was a Katikoot Jedi. The pair continued their exploration until they found the survivor Nitani had sensed: Rok Buran. He informed them that he was the sole survivor of his Pathfinder team, and Nitani was saddened to learn that his padawan Maliq had been killed by the monsters during an ambush. She gathered firewood to make camp for the night and treat Buran's wounds. As the three Jedi sat by the fire, Buran recounted his experiences on Gloam. When they realized Rillik was responsible for the ambush of Buran's team, Nitani retrieved her comlink from her pack and attempted to contact Dennisol to warn him, but she was unable to. Worried, she convinced Sho that they needed to return to the Umberfall immediately, despite the darkness. During their return trip to the Umberfall, the trio was attacked by undead creatures. Nitani ignited her lightsabers and engaged one of them. She struggled to see it visually, and the creature appeared in the Force as knots of black and purple instead of the usual bright colors of living beings. She bisected the creature and discovered that its internals were crystalline minerals instead of blood. After the fight, Nitani was contacted by Dennisol, who informed her that Rillik had set them up and that Dietrix and Mittik were heading into danger at the ruined city. The Jedi changed course and headed to the ruins to assist the others. Upon reaching the city, Nitani followed the two Masters and used the Force to leap up to the entrance. The group of Jedi made their way to the central shaft of the city and discovered a swarm of Gloam monsters attacking Dennisol and her group. She leapt into the pit, jumping on the backs of the monsters, and made her way to the alcove where her friends had taken shelter. The padawan fought off the swarm with the other Jedi long enough to allow the trapped people to escape the shaft. As they fled the swarm, Sho realized they needed to seal the shaft to prevent the monsters from following them. Nitani joined the two Masters in using the Force to collapse the ceiling of the chamber, initiating a chain reaction of destruction. While fleeing the destruction of the city, she noticed a discarded lightsaber on the ground and picked it up. She followed the group back to the Umberfall and noticed one of the creatures approaching the ship. Before it could attack, Rillik stumbled off the ship and began to transform due to the miner's curse. Nitani and Sho grabbed the Katikoot and leapt onboard the ascending ship to safety. Several days after returning to Aubadas, Nitani and Dass sat near a waterfall and discussed their future plans. Sho interrupted them and told them that the Katikoot were throwing a party to thank the Republic workers for the assistance in saving their planet. Before joining the party, Nitani went to the surface so she could talk to Buran before he left with another Pathfinder team. He thanked her for rescuing him and she gave him the lightsaber she had found on Gloam. Nitani and the rest of the Pathfinder team escorted Dass Leffbruk and his father Spence Leffbruk to Batuu. She planned on meditating and studying at the Jedi Temple located there. ### Hyperspace Chase Following her arrival on Batuu, Nitani dedicated the majority of her time to the archives within the Batuu Jedi temple. She delved into journals and holobooks originating from across the frontier, aiming to enhance her preparedness for future missions. Two days after her arrival on Batuu, Nitani was scrutinizing the artifacts within the archive when she detected her name being whispered. Finding no one, she centered herself in the Force and allowed it to guide her. She noticed something highlighted in a cool pink color and discovered it was small compass. Shortly after the Battle of Jedha, Nitani went to see her friend Dass at the Black Spire Outpost. She grabbed a couple of spiced cloud-cricket fritters to snack on. As she made her way towards the travelers' hostel where he was staying, she thought about their friendship. She greeted a Mikkian women outside the outpost and stopped to buy two skewers of sweet roasted spire acorns. She made her way through the outpost but suddenly felt an eddy in the Force and turned to see Dass running towards her. He requested Nitani's assistance in defending his friend Sky Graf from a group of goons attempting to seize their ship. The Padawan questioned why he hadn't sought help from the local constabulary, and he explained that he lacked the time to persuade anyone and trusted her judgment of the situation. Upon arriving at the landing pad, Nitani demanded to know the reasons behind the trio of armed goons' attempt to board the ship. They claimed it was stolen and they were attempting to return it to its rightful owner. Choosing to trust her friend, she warned the trio that they could either address the matter with the Galactic Republic office or leave. Deciding against a confrontation, the group retreated. Dass expressed his gratitude and invited her aboard the ship to meet his friend. Nitani boarded the ship and was impressed by its opulence. Graf greeted them in the cockpit and suggested they enjoy some snacks while Leffbruk and Graf recounted their meeting and their plans for the Hyperspace Chase. Nitani inquired why Dass had joined Graf instead of working with his father, and the young man explained that they had different goals and Dass wanted to return to Planet X to retrieve the Silverstreak. She realized the two were trying to get her to join them on trip. She questioned the pair about their reasons and Dass told her that accompanying them would help his dad to not worry about the trip. Graf revealed they had a supraluminite compass that could resonant with an object and lead them back to its origin. Graf believed that Nitani could use the Force and Dass to find a path back to Planet X since the boy had been there before. She was skeptical but Graf promised to allow the Padawan to use the ship's communication system to contact Master Sho on Jedha and to fly Nitani anywhere she wanted if she would travel with them for a couple of weeks. She agreed to go with them on the journey. She traveled on the Brightbird to Travyx Prime which was the starting point of the Hyperspace Chase. As they prepared for the start, Nitani noticed Sky was nervous. She confronted them, and they explained that their brother Helis Graf was supposed to fly the ship in the Chase but had instead decided to spend time with his girlfriend Precoria San Tekka. Nitani used the comm station to compose a message for Sho that explained her actions. She also sent a message through the Office of the Frontier in hopes that it would also reach Sho. She then contacted the Algo's Progress so Dass could tell his dad that he was participating in the Chase with Sky and Nitani. Graf cut off the communications as the official race announcement was broadcast. The race was started and Nitani secured herself to a seat as the Brightbird went through violent maneuvers to avoid ion mines, flares, and other diversions from the other prospectors. As they flew towards their hyperspace jump point, Helis was able to slice into the Brightbird's systems. At Sky's request, Nitani opened a channel to Helis so Sky could talk to him. Unfamiliar with the comm system and unable to kick Helis out, Nitani switched with Sky as Dass took over the piloting until Sky was able to regain control on the systems and the Brightbird jumped to hyperspace. After fleeing to safety, Graf suggested they get the Graf astro-resonance machine so they could show the other two how it worked. Nitani accompanied them to their quarters and examined the device. She asked Graf why they were in the Chase. They responded by asking Nitani why she'd agreed to join them. The Padawan explained that she wanted to follow the will of the Force and help bring light to the galaxy. Graf responded that they just want to prove themselves to their family and to earn fame, glory, and credits. Nitani used the Force to carry the device to the cockpit. Graf and Leffbruk were impressed by her use of the Force. She set the device down in a cradle in the cockpit and Graf mentioned that he'd like to hear about the mision to Gloam and possibly see a demonstration of her lightsabers. She realized that making friends with a member of the Graf family could be advantageous and promised to show them when the group had time. Sky told the group about the history of the device and how it used a piece of supraluminite to match resonances of objects through what Graf assumed to be the Force. Nitani examined the device and determined while it wasn't infused with the Force like an artifact, it still interacted with it. She was skeptical of Graf's theory that it could be used to find objects, explaining that things didn't have signatures in the Force like they suspected. Graf still wanted to try and asked Nitani to retrieve an interface cradle that would allow the device's output to be entered into a navicomputer. The group gathered around the device and attempted to activate it. Nitani reached out with the Force and used it to suspend the pink lodestone in the device, which caused it to glow and highlight some of the astromeridian lines. They were suddenly interrupted by Helis intercepting them in the Starlily. Nitani entered the cannon nest at Sky's request who told her to fire at their brother's ship so they could escape. She tried to figure out the targeting system but refused to fire without a good reason. Nitani left the cannon nest after Leffbruk was able to evade the Starlily and attended to Sky who had hit their head during the extreme maneuvers. She led Graf back to their cabin so they could recover. They later used the device for another jump. While in hyperspace, Nitani contemplated on why she had joined the mission and decided to use the downtime to meditate and practice. She ignited her lightsabers and went through the forms until she was breathless and sweat covered. Graf and Leffbruk applauded her demonstration and gave her a towel to clean up and some water. She joined them for a meal and then took a shower and slept for a while. When she awoke, she found the other two taking apart the entertainment system of the ship so she contemplated about what little news she had from Jedha. She regretted not going with her Master on her pilgrimage but felt that she was following the will of the Force by joining her two companions on this trip. Arriving at the Tybal system, Nitani wanted to send another message to her Master before performing another jump but discovered the local relay buoy was being serviced. She attempted contact it but instead got a response from Fel Ix who was working on it. She asked him if she could leave the message with him so he could relay it once the buoy was functional again. He in return asked her if his crew could borrow some tools for the repair job. She agreed and went to meet the Way of Clarity after it docked with the Brightbird. The Padawan was unnerved after Fel Ix boarded the ship with his comrades. After Fel Ix took Leffbruk hostage at blasterpoint, he demanded Nitani drop her lightsaber and kick it over to him, not realizing she wielded two blades. The Kessarine ordered her to tie herself up. She stalled for time, explaining that she didn't know where anything was on the ship. Fel Ix inquired why Nitani was on a ship without her Master and she told him she was serving the Force. Fel Ix responded that he also served the Force and was trying to prevent the Jedi from abusing it. Using the discussion as a distraction, Nitani threw herself at the Kessarine while using the Force to knock the blaster out of his hand. Igniting her other lightsaber, she grabbed Fel Ix's head and held the lightsaber at his throat. She ordered him and his crew to leave the ship or she would use her weapon on him, but he calmly explained that he had met a Padawan before and knew it was not their way to murder someone. He offered to have her join them in the Path of the Open Hand to learn about their philosophy. She refused, leaving the groups at an impasse. When Graf lowered themselves from the cannon nest and fired on Chal, Nitani was relieved. Still holding Fel Ix at lightsaberpoint while the rest of the Open Hand returned to their ship, Graf and Nitani debated what to do with him. Before they could decide, Helis caught up with them so Nitani ordered Fel Ix to decouple the ship so they could flee. She told him to tell his crew he was staying onboard the Brightbird and then to take a seat at the table in the galley so she could keep an eye on him as the ship made its escape. ### A conspiracy Once they were safe, Nitani and the rest of the crew met in the galley to try and figure out what had happened. After some brainstorming, Sky realized that the navicomputer was compromised by Helis who had programmed it to broadcast the data for the hyperjump being performed. They suggested they proceed to the Farj system before Helis could catch up with them and Nitani provided details on the system, including that it was uninhabited due to lack of water. During the journey, Nitani watched Fel Ix while the other crew members rested. She made some tea for him and sat with him at the table in the galley. Curious about what he believed, she had a conversation with him about the Path of the Open Hand. She didn't believe their tenet that the Jedi were causing harm by tapping into the Force. As he talked about the Leveler, Nitani grew worried and wished she could talk to her Master on Jedha to get the truth about what had happened on the moon. She was told that the creature came from a planet that was strong in the Force and realized that he was referring to Planet X and that it was a Force nexus. The Kessarine inquired her age and told her she was still young enough to leave the Order and save herself. He told her that he had tried to capture her at the Mother's request. When Fel Ix informed her that he knew a Padawan who had saved his family but was killed, she assumed he was lying. After finding out the name of the Padawan and his Master, she was stricken with grief. The ship landed on the unnamed moon. Graf suggested that the crew could go outside while they fixed the ship. Nitani reassured Leffbruk that Graf had no intentions of leaving without them. On their way out, Leffbruk asked Nitani if they should bring Fel Ix with them. She thought it was ok and the three exited the ship. The Padawan surmised that the root system covering the surface of the moon was one big organism but thought that it didn't even notice the ship or beings on top of it. Fel Ix suggested to Nitani that she should unbind his hands so he could move freely. As she cut him free, Leffbruk was sprayed with goo from one of the tendrils of the root network. Nitani cautioned Leffbruk to avoid getting the substance in his mouth or eyes. The planet-wide organism notice him and before Nitani could reach the young man, he was swallowed up by a hole that had opened underneath him. The bright colors of the Force had caused the Padawan to partially block some of her awareness so she couldn't reach him in time. Concentrating, she was able to discern the colors of Leffbruk through all the other overwhelming light and figured out that he was being pulled towards a large mushroom fan. She and Fel Ix ran to a spot where she could intercept Leffbruk's progress and used one of her lightsabers to make a cut in the root network. As Fel Ix started to pull Leffbruk out, Nitani used her comlink to contact Sky and told them to be prepared to take off. She then pried the hole open wider so Fel Ix could get Leffbruk out. As they returned to the ship, she commed Sky and told them to start the shower. While the others cleaned up, Nitani explained to Graf what had happened. After everyone cleaned up, they met in the galley to determine their next step. When Graf questioned why Fel Ix wasn't restrained, Nitani vouched for him due to his deep connection to the Force. Graf and Leffbruk wanted to use the resonance machine again, but Nitani refused. She told them she needed to talk to her Master about the information she had received from Fel Ix. The pair grew upset, feeling that the Padawan was reneging on her promise to accompany them. Unclear on Graf's determination to continue their journey, she asked them why it was so important to find Planet X. They explained to her that it was the last known destination of their father. This convinced Nitani to continue the search for Planet X. She joined the other two and used the resonance device to make another hyperspace jump. While in hyperspace, she took a nap and then met the rest of the crew in the cockpit to see where they would emerge. Emerging from hyperspace, the group realized they were near the twin planets of Aubadas and Gloam. Nitani felt an urge to contact Master Sho and remembered that a Republic communications team had been there recently and set up a communications buoy network. She contacted a local buoy and confirmed a channel back to Batuu so she recorded a message for Master Sho and sent it to the Jedi outpost on Batuu. She wanted to wait for a response but Graf wanted to depart immediately. Nitani was able to convince the rest of the crew that it would be wise to set down on Aubadas to refuel and confirm the ship was in good shape. She stayed on the ship to keep an eye on Fel Ix and to wait to see if she got a response to her message. As they departed the spaceport, Nitani received a reply from Sho. The Jedi Master explained the ongoing situation with the Path of the Open Hand and instructed Nitani to meet near Dalna. Graf refused to take the Padawan there, wanting to instead continue searching for Planet X. Nitani volunteered to return to Aubadas and find her own way but Graf rejected that suggestion. Despite everyone else onboard wanting to go to Dalna, Graf locked the controls with their personal codes and told the rest they would only go where they wanted. Nitani and the others talked to Graf, convinced them that going to Dalna was more important than their selfish desires and was the right thing to do. ### Back to Dalna As they journeyed towards Dalna, Nitani approached Fel Ix while he was in a meditative state, offering a compliment regarding his ability to connect with the Force. She proceeded to inquire about the Path's intentions and their reasons for returning to Dalna. Upon their arrival, Nitani requested Graf to establish a connection with the local comm buoy, enabling her to contact Buran. Given the buoy's unstable condition, Graf suggested that Nitani utilize an open ship-to-ship call, while Leffbruk cautioned her against revealing her Jedi identity to prevent unnecessary attention. She made repeated attempts to connect to the buoy, but a stable connection remained elusive. Dass then proposed that she employ her Force abilities to locate Sho, to which she responded that it was indeed possible, but it would not facilitate communication. Fel Ix then revealed the possibility that the Path had gained control over the buoy, prompting Nitani to inquire whether he possessed the ability to restore the buoy to its operational state. He sought assurances regarding the safety of his family, and Nitani explained that establishing communication between the various factions would greatly facilitate a peaceful resolution to the situation. Master Buran contacted the Brightbird and updated Nitani on the situation above Dalna. He stated that it would easier if the communications network was functioning and Nitani responded that she thought that they could get the comm buoy working properly. Fel Ix was still hesitant to divulge his secrets but the Padawan persuaded him that the Force had brought them to this place and fixing the buoy was the right thing to do. The crew devised a plan to retrieve the comm buoy, bring it aboard, and then jump away to repair it. Nitani donned a spacesuit and joined Graf and Fel Ix in the cargo hold to assist in the capture of the buoy. She used the Force to steady and align the buoy as Fel Ix and Graf used a magnetic rope to pull it into the ship. Leffbruk warned her that a mercenary ship was moving to attack them. Nitani leapt from the
Nitani employed the Brightbird's cargo hold, skillfully using her lightsabers to turn aside the barrage of incoming fire. The strenuous effort left her depleted, and Graf pulled her back into the ship. Joining Leffbruk in the cockpit, she watched as Graf and Fel Ix worked on repairing the buoy. Feeling utterly drained from her intense Force channeling, she decided to man the cannon nest and utilize the Brightbird's weaponry to defend their vessel while the buoy was being redeployed in Dalnan space. She unleashed the three cannons on various enemy ships, forcing them to retreat, and remained at the weapons station even as Leffbruk departed after releasing the buoy. As she fired upon the pursuing ships, she requested Graf to grant her access to the communication system. Nitani contacted Buran, explaining that she had to leave because many people had witnessed her ship taking the buoy, and asked him to inform Sho that she would contact her as soon as she could. Before they could escape the system, Helis Graf arrived, demanding that Sky surrender the ship. Sky instructed Nitani to fire at Helis. Reluctant to target Sky's brother, she was assured that the Starlily could withstand the attack. She readied herself to fire, but their plans were disrupted by the arrival of a Republic ship exiting hyperspace. Sho contacted the Brightbird, instructing her Padawan to follow the transmitted navigational route. Nitani urged Sky and Leffbruk to follow the coordinates and informed her Master about Fel Ix's family. She pleaded with Sho to locate the family and ensure their safety. As they journeyed away from Dalna, Nitani inquired about Sky's actions before initiating the hyperspace jump. They explained that they had sent a signal that would disable the corrupted Graf tech affecting the buoys, restoring them to full functionality. She offered comfort to Graf, who was saddened by their inability to reach Planet X and potentially find their father. The Padawan explained that the Force linked all beings and they could possibly find peace through it. Dass remarked to Nitani that she sounded like a mature Jedi and wondered if her actions would merit a promotion to Jedi Knight. The crew engaged in a discussion about their future plans. Upon their return to Batuu, Nitani disembarked and greeted her Master with joy. Sho informed Nitani about the anti-Path of the Open Hand activity on Dalna. Nitani introduced Sho to the rest of the Brightbird's crew. Leffbruk voiced his concern that his father would be angry with him, but Nitani encouraged him to be honest, assuring him that his father would understand Dass' actions. When Sky requested Jedi support in case their brother attempted to seize their ship, Nitani nodded at Sho, hoping the Jedi would approve of the decision. The two Jedi resumed their conversation, and Nitani asked Sho to teach her how to use her shield. She perceived a shift in her relationship with the Force and embraced the idea of becoming a defender like Sho. Two days later, Nitani and her companions waited at the Black Spire market, enjoying a meal while awaiting Buran's arrival with Fel Ix's family. Dass Leffbruk mentioned his plans to enroll in pilot school in a few years, and Nitani speculated that they might one day find themselves on the same Pathfinder team. She gifted him the compass she had retrieved from the Batuu Jedi temple archive, explaining that the Force intended for him to have it. Buran's ship touched down, and Fel Ix introduced Nitani and the others to his family. ### Jedi Trials For a number of years, Nitani dedicated herself to studying and training at the Batuu Jedi temple. She participated in numerous missions, including repelling raiders from the edge of the Stradtofen Cluster, resolving an uprising on Banfoden Prime, and investigating ancient Force sects located in the Collus Reach. She also collaborated with Pathfinder teams and undertook solo missions independent of her Master. In 379 BBY, Nitani was attempting to center herself through meditation but felt a sense of foreboding, as if something significant was about to occur. Master Sho entered the chamber with P3-7A and announced that it was time for her Jedi Trials. She commended Nitani for evolving into a courageous and compassionate young woman. The Master explained that her challenge was simply to locate her hidden shield. She suggested that Nitani bring P3 along, even though the droid was unaware of the shield's location. Her final piece of advice was for her Padawan to trust her instincts. Nitani departed the temple grounds and ventured into the nearby forest. She tried to reach out through the Force for guidance on the shield's location, but her focus wavered. Opting for a logical approach, she considered her Master's preferred places for seeking peace and solitude. She recalled a towering tree that Sho often used as a meditation spot. She searched around the base, but the shield remained elusive. Using the Force, she ascended to the top of the tree, carefully avoiding the Forrians that inhabited it. As she climbed, Nitani reflected on her future and the kind of teacher she would be when she eventually took on a Padawan. Reaching the top without finding the shield, she took in the view and contemplated her next move. Spotting a rock outcropping in the distance that Sho also frequented, she decided to descend and search there. As she searched the location, she began to worry that she might not be able to retrieve the shield and thought about the history of the artifact. Still unable to find the shield, Nitani pondered its significance. Realizing that it was designed for protection, she reasoned that Sho might have hidden it where the Padawan could find it and use it to safeguard those in need. Noticing the lights of Peka nearby, she descended the hillside and headed towards the village. Upon arriving, she noticed a worried young man sitting beneath a large tree. She introduced herself to Jerlyn, who asked if she was there to help. She inquired about the problem, and he explained that a salmaca had been raiding the village nightly, killing a villager and abducting his droid Dee-Twelve when the boy had fallen asleep and not secured the droid. He mentioned that Sho had visited, promising assistance and leaving her shield in the tree. Nitani was unable to find it and guessed that the salmaca had taken it. The Padawan realized that retrieving the shield and protecting the villagers was simply another aspect of her Master's trial. She joined a group heading to the cave system where the salmaca resided. Upon reaching the cave, she persuaded the villagers to wait outside, fearing their anger and desire for revenge would cause complications. She stealthily entered the cave with P-3 and proceeded to a large cavern. Igniting one of her lightsabers, she observed the sleeping salmaca atop a large pile of mechanical debris. Moving silently, she navigated around the chamber and noticed several corpses of gant spiders hanging from the ceiling. She realized the creature was not aggressive and actually beneficial for the village by consuming most of the spiders before they could attack the village. Nitani determined that the salmaca was provoked into killing Tuntis when the villager attacked the creature. Reflecting on her Master's challenge, she concluded that a Jedi's purpose was to protect all life. She quickly devised a plan to enable the salmaca and Peka villagers to coexist peacefully. She located Dee-Twelve under one of the salmaca's paws and carefully approached. For the first time that day, she was able to fully connect to the Force due to her conviction in her beliefs. Approaching the beast, she reached out with the Force and projected peaceful and calming thoughts towards the salmaca. It rolled over in its sleep, freeing the droid. Nitani directed P3 to lead the droid to safety and noticed Sho's shield in a pile of junk. Before she could retrieve it, the posse from the village entered the cavern and opened fire on the salmaca. Using the Force, she extracted the shield from the pile of junk and mentally directed it to deflect the villager's fire. She commanded them to leave the cave while the salmaca charged at them and used the shield to distract the creature. She used the Force to calm the creature and then carefully left the cave. Outside the cave, she encountered Jerlyn who thanked her for rescuing Dee-Twelve. He was surprised when she admitted that she hadn't killed the salmaca but she fully explained the situation with the gant spiders. She returned to Peka and told the villagers that the salmaca was preventing a spider infestation and if they would leave scrap outside, it would satisfy the salmaca and prevent it from attacking the village. Nitani returned to the Jedi Temple and sought out her Master. She explained her solution to her Master's challenge and returned the shield. She asked if she was ready to be a Knight, but Sho told Nitani that she already knew she was ready and she just needed to realize it herself. Sho told her to clean up and they would talk to the Jedi Council the next day. As Sho left the room, Nitani tried to give her the shield but Sho told her to keep it. Misunderstanding her Master, she asked if it needed to be cleaned but Sho told her she was giving it to Nitani to use. Unsure of the gift, Nitani asked why. Sho explained it was tradition for the shield to be passed down from master to apprentice after passing their Trials. Touched, she promised to make her Master proud of her. ### Knighthood Approximately 377 BBY, Nitani, Sho, and P3-7A were on the floating city of Penumbra infiltrating an arms deal between the Bright Circle and a group of pirates. The leader of the Bright Circle, Ullan Yite, attempted to escape the ambush by fleeing to his yacht after sending enforcer droids to attack the two Jedi. P3-7A disabled the ship by removing the central processor. After the successful completion of the mission, Sho suggested Nitani visit the Enlightenment bar to meet Piralli and his companions. Nitani traveled to Jedha with P3-7A. Upon entering the bar, she inquired with the bartender Old Chantho about Piralli's location. Introducing herself, she explained that she was a friend of Sho. She informed Piralli and Moona that the Jedi Master still cherished her friendship with Keth Cerepath and the other Enlightenment regulars. Nitani recounted the mission on Penumbra and, when asked about P3, she brought him into the bar. The droid presented the central processor to the overjoyed Piralli, who had been searching for the expensive part to repair his own Sullustan Mark VIII Legacy-class space yacht. Nitani clarified that it was the droid's idea to give the part to Piralli although the Jedi would not condone in trafficking stolen goods. He tried to thank her but she insisted that she had nothing to do with it and it was all the droid's idea. In 229 BBY, as Porter Engle found himself trapped within the Occlusion Zone created by the Nihil marauders, he reminisced about sparring with Nitani while thinking about his friends. ## Personality and traits Nitani possessed a strong sense of duty, firmly believing in a Jedi's obligation to protect those unable to defend themselves. She bore black and gold tattoos on her inner arms, representing mythologies she had studied on the frontier, and a gold ring adorned her nose. ## Powers and abilities Nitani demonstrated proficiency in utilizing the Force, skillfully wielding dual lightsabers in combat. She also possessed the ability to channel the Force to amplify her physical capabilities. She could perceive people's presence through the Force as a jumble of bright colors. ## Equipment Nitani carried dual blue lightsabers. She wore a simple dark brown robe with a hood. She wore a utility belt to hold her lightsabers. She had small cloth pouches secured to her upper arms and legs by bands for use as storage pockets. ## Behind the scenes Rooper Nitani made her debut appearance in the 2022 junior novel The High Republic: Quest for the Hidden City, penned by George Mann as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's Phase II.