Obik Dennisol, a Mirialan male healer, was a member of the Republic Pathfinders under the leadership of Jedi Master Silandra Sho's team during the High Republic Era.
When the Umberfall received an alert from Republic Communications Team Oh-Arr-Ee-Three-Six-One concerning a distress signal from EX-8C, Dennisol was present. Upon landing on Aubadas, Dennisol joined the exploration party searching for the planet's inhabitants. During their search, the medic expressed concerns about a potential trap, but [Silandra Sho](/article/silandra_sho] assured him of their safety. Using his powerful long-range comlink, Dennisol detected a weak signal from Amos Tillian as the communications team entered Aubadas' atmosphere. He provided them with coordinates for a nearby landing site to rendezvous with the Pathfinders. He alerted his comrades to communication interference, recommending they maintain close proximity.
The Katikoot escorted Dennisol and the other Republic personnel to Diurna, their capital city. There, they waited as the Jedi discussed matters with Kittik, the minister of works. Sho briefed them, explaining the situation on Gloam and her intention to return for investigation. Dennisol volunteered to join her and intervened in a dispute between the team's droids, GT-11 and EX-9B.
After their arrival on Gloam, Dennisol was required to treat Rillik, who had collapsed due to his afflication. As the others planned to explore, the medic relocated Rillik to the ship's small medical bay and began diagnostic tests. He extracted several blood samples from the Katikoot and discovered an almost parasitic relationship between Gloam's minerals and the Katikoot species. The medic theorized that the minerals were a living entity, akin to a fungus or disease, that activated upon contact with Katikoot blood. Continuing his tests, he remained optimistic about finding a treatment for the miner's curse. Dennisol left Rillik in the med bay and went to the common part of the ship to get something to eat. He was confronted by Rillik who knocked him unconscious with a metal strut from a cart.
Upon regaining consciousness, Dennisol noticed dried blood on his head and suspected a concussion. With EX-9B's assistance, he freed himself from Rillik's restraints and formulated a plan to subdue the Katikoot. Feigning continued captivity, he summoned Rillik and questioned his motives for the attack. While Rillik was engrossed in conversation, EX-9B approached from behind and incapacitated him with an electrical shock. After tying him up, Dennisol instructed the droid to contact the Jedi and warn them of Rillik's scheme to have them destroyed by the Gloam monsters. He successfully contacted Rooper Nitani, thanks to the comms team's repairs on Aubadas. He revealed Rillik's plot to have the Pathfinder teams eliminated and cautioned her that Mittik and Dietrix Jago were in danger by venturing into the ancient city. Following the Jedi's rescue of the remaining survivors on Gloam and the collapse of the ancient city to contain the monsters, Dennisol received a message from Jago, instructing him to start the Umberfall's engines and prepare for immediate departure. The medic and the rest of the group returned to Aubadas. Although he managed to stabilize Rillik, who was succumbing to the miner's curse, he couldn't fully cure him. However, his research proved beneficial to others afflicted by the disease, leading to many full recoveries. He went with the other Pathfinders and the Leffbruks to Batuu, where he recovered from his Gloam injuries.