During the events of the Ryloth mission which took place in 14 BBY, a clone trooper held the rank of captain within the Emperor's Royal Guard, the security detail responsible for protecting Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine. Following the Free Ryloth Movement's destruction of the Star Destroyer known as the Perilous above the planet of Ryloth, he accompanied the Emperor, Darth Vader, Sergeant Erstin Deez, and two additional Royal Guard members as they escaped aboard Vader's shuttle. When the shuttle violently crash-landed within the jungles of the planet, the Emperor, Vader, the sergeant, and the captain were the only survivors capable of movement. One of the guards died from the force of the crash, while the other, who had failed to secure his harness, was left unconscious with a shattered limb. Acting on the Emperor's direct command and without hesitation, the captain executed the incapacitated guard for his failure. As the remaining group traversed the forest, they were confronted by a large number of lyleks that pursued them relentlessly through the jungle, ultimately trapping them within their nest. Although the nest and its queen were ultimately destroyed after a fierce fight, the captain also perished amidst the devastation.