Unidentified celebrity

A well-known man was a figure of prominence during the High Republic. He eventually started utilizing the rejuvenating drug mycopram to maintain a youthful appearance. Following the celebrity's public comments about his youthful looks—leading some to believe he appeared as young as twelve years of age—the cost of mycopram experienced a dramatic increase. Subsequently, in 229 BBY, Argomon, a smuggler operating in the black market, supplied Niv Drendow Apruk, a Nihil scientist, with eighteen containers of the regenerative substance aboard the Korvix Vorn jail transport. When Apruk inquired about the limited quantity, Argomon explained that the celebrity's consumption had triggered a spike in both price and demand.

Behind the scenes

This celebrity was referenced in the third edition of the Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures comic book series from 2023. Daniel José Older penned this edition, which Dark Horse Comics released on February 14, 2024 as part of Phase III of the Star Wars: The High Republic cross-media initiative.

