Argomon was a pilot of Nautolan descent, identifying as non-binary. Alongside the droid known as B-333, they functioned as a smuggler within the black market. By the time 229 BBY rolled around, they had become a member of the spy network orchestrated by the droid 5A-G3, with the intention of combating the Nihil marauders in collaboration with both the Republic and the Jedi Order. In that year, they were instrumental in the transport of the Bonbraks named Breebak, Teetak, and Tip, together with the droid V-18, across the hyperspace barrier known as the Stormwall to the planet Valo, situated in the Outer Rim. During this period, Argomon's activities involved the delivery of supplies to the Nihil prison ship named Korvix Vorn using their hauler. Later in 229 BBY, on one such occasion, Argomon and B-333 provided boxes filled with the regenerative mycopram substance to Niv Drendow Apruk, the Nihil scientist, and while doing so, they strategically placed a tracking device onto the Korvix Vorn.
Shortly thereafter, in 228 BBY, the black market pilot took part in a raid targeting the prison ship. This occurred after the tracking device successfully revealed the vessel's location to the Jedi and the Republic, with the aim of both liberating the prisoners held captive and sabotaging the ship to ensure its destruction. Argomon, along with 5A-G3, set the Korvix Vorn to explode after assisting a boarding team in securing the cannons located on the prison ship's upper deck. They then fled the vessel with B-333, joining their comrades and a number of rescued prisoners aboard their own ship. After getting back to the Republic outpost on the planet Eriadu, located in the Outer Rim, Argomon found enjoyment in playing games with several of their fellow operatives. Later on, Argomon was present at the wedding of Lula Talisola and Zeen Mrala, who are wives, and contributed to the defense of Eriadu against the invading Nihil forces.

During the High Republic Era, Argomon, a pilot of Nautolan descent who identified as non-binary, operated as a smuggler in the black market in partnership with the droid B-333. Subsequent to the destruction of the Starlight Beacon space station in 230 BBY, Argomon started working for the spy network of the droid 5A-G3 to oppose the Nihil marauders after the group created the Occlusion Zone, a region of space that was sealed off by what seemed like an impenetrable barrier known as the Stormwall, which only Nihil ships were capable of traversing.
In 229 BBY, Argomon was responsible for transporting the Bonbraks Breebak, Teetak, and Tip, as well as the droid V-18, to the planet Valo in the Outer Rim to assist Ram Jomaram, the Jedi Padawan, and his allies in driving the Nihil off the planet. To successfully smuggle V-18 past the Stormwall, the Bonbraks disassembled V-18 into multiple shipping boxes, which were then stored on the black market pilot's hauler, before being reassembled upon their arrival at an unidentified Nihil warehouse. Shortly after, the Nihil on Valo were defeated during a raid on the research vessel Innovator while they were attempting to recover the regenerative mycopram substance from the ship. As he was leaving the planet, Niv Drendow Apruk, the Nihil scientist, chose to seek mycopram from black market runners working for the Nihil prison ship Korvix Vorn instead.
During this period, Argomon and B-333 made multiple trips to the Stormwall, continuing to deliver illicit goods to the Nihil, pretending to tolerate the marauders. One of the Nihil vessels they delivered goods to was the Korvix Vorn, for which they received an access card. Later in 229 BBY, 5A-G3 instructed B-333 and Argomon to attach a tracking device to the Korvix Vorn to assist the Galactic Republic and Jedi Order forces in pinpointing the next time it exited the Occlusion Zone. B-333 was anxious about the task, becoming panicked as Argomon excitedly increased the speed of their hauler. The pilot reassured the droid that the Nihil would always allow them to cross the Stormwall, but the droid remained concerned.

After arriving on the Korvix Vorn, Argomon handed over eighteen boxes of mycopram substance to Apruk. Although the scientist was not happy with the amount, he accepted Argomon's explanation that the use of mycopram by a celebrity had caused a surge in price and demand. As the pilot began to unload their cargo, they mentioned that Deblindrix III, Apruk's young Nameless creature, would need more than just mycopram to survive, which caused Apruk to dismiss Argomon disrespectfully. After the pair successfully planted a tracking device on the vessel, Argomon left B-333 behind on the Korvix Vorn as part of 5A-G3's eventual plan to sabotage the ship and returned to the Republic outpost on the Outer Rim planet Eriadu.

Shortly after, in 228 BBY, the location of the Korvix Vorn was revealed by the tracking device, and 5A-G3 shared this information with the Jedi and the Republic Defense Coalition through Argomon. Argomon attended a meeting with several Jedi on Eriadu, which was led by Admiral Pevel Kronara of the Republic Defense Coalition, who spoke about the black market pilot's contributions to their intelligence. After Kronara concluded the briefing, those present left to prepare for their planned raid on the Korvix Vorn. Assuming that the mission's objective was to destroy the Korvix Vorn after rescuing its prisoners, 5A-G3 and Argomon collaborated to devise a plan to blow up the vessel and reunite with B-333.
Following this, Argomon, the Jedi Padawan Lula Talisola, the Mikkian operative Zeen Mrala, and 5A-G3 boarded a ship and traveled to the prison ship's last known location. When the Korvix Vorn's blister bombs hindered the Republic and Jedi's approach, Argomon suggested to Talisola and Mrala that their access card would allow them to board from the prison ship's loading dock. Once aboard, the black market pilot and their colleagues exited the ship and attacked the Nihil in the hangar using their weapons. Meanwhile, "The Warden," the operator of the Korvix Vorn and a disgraced Nihil enforcer, jettisoned the vessel's prisoners into space, leaving them to die. Argomon and their colleagues joined other Jedi as part of a boarding party and headed towards the Korvix Vorn's lower cannons. The group quickly changed course to deactivate the vessel's topside blister bomb armaments to aid the Jedi and Republic Defense Coalition forces fighting in space outside. Argomon used their handheld weapon to attack the Nihil present, shooting at several enemy combatants.

When several Jedi and Mrala began gathering oxygen tanks to rescue the prisoners floating in space outside, Argomon and 5A-G3 separated from the others and promised to meet them back on their ship. The pair worked together to sabotage the Korvix Vorn and set it to detonate, with Argomon changing into a spacesuit for the task. During their efforts, they reunited with B-333 before fleeing the vessel. Afterward, they joined Mrala, Talisola, and several others aboard the group's ship. As they flew away, the vessel exploded in flames, shocking the Jedi and rescued prisoners aboard. 5A-G3 informed those present that their trio had always intended to destroy the Korvix Vorn, leading everyone to sigh in relief and hug each other. Argomon returned to Eriadu with their colleagues and rescued prisoners, grateful to be headed home.

After returning to Eriadu, Argomon participated in a game with several Jedi and Republic colleagues, which involved scoring pucks into illuminated goals, wearing a red jersey for their team. However, Yoda, a Jedi Master, contacted the group via hologram and informed them that they needed to evacuate because the Stormwall had expanded and left Eriadu on the border of Republic space. Moments later, the Padawan Academic Cruiser Star Hopper, which had been commandeered by the Warden, arrived in Eriadu's atmosphere to launch an attack aimed at scaring those at the Republic outpost. Argomon stared at the Star Hopper from Eriadu's surface, watching as Talisola led several others in an attempt to reclaim the vessel, which had previously been in the service of the Jedi Order. However, after their attempt was ultimately unsuccessful, Argomon joined the returning Jedi and 5A-G3 for another round of their game.
Following this, the Occlusion Zone expanded again, enveloping Eriadu, and Argomon was present on Eriadu with their colleagues during this time. The subsequent invasion of the world by the Nihil and the blockade around Bri Phrang City caused severe supply shortages, which were only temporarily alleviated by a shipment of supplies brought to the city by Alys Ongwa's crew. As their resources dwindled, Argomon attended a meeting with their allies to discuss their group's next move against the occupiers. Although Ongwa indicated that they would need to attack another convoy soon, 5A-G3 expressed that it would be difficult given the strength of the blockade around the city. Argomon responded by pointing out that the blockade was maintained by both the Nihil and some Eriadu security ships, emphasizing the participation of the latter.

Shortly after, Argomon was present at the wedding of Mrala and Talisola on Eriadu. Before the ceremony, they assisted the soon-to-be-married couple in breaking into the Tarkin family's hotel suite at the venue and were hit by a blaster shot to the wrist. As Mrala and Talisola spoke with Sevran Tarkin, the leader of the family, Argomon stood to the side and conversed with Maz Kanata, the pirate queen, and Kantam Sy, a Jedi Master. During the ceremony, as the wives were pronounced spouses, Argomon cheered for the pair. The attendees, including Argomon, briefly celebrated the couple's nuptials before leaving their venue to defend the planet against the invading Nihil.
In the streets of Bri-Phrang City, Argomon joined their colleagues as they engaged in combat between the buildings lining the city's streets. Qort rallied the group of fighters, giving them instructions on where to move next as part of their plan to repel the Nihil. To cross the nearby bay, Argomon piloted a rescue speeder, with Qort riding on the back. As Argomon continued to steer their vessel, Qort attacked a Nihil gunboat, with their speeder speeding away as the gunboat exploded. Although Qort was eventually injured in the ensuing melee, Argomon safely made it aboard another Nihil gunboat. Tarabal continued to rally the remaining fighters, including Argomon, to continue resisting the Nihil.
Later, Argomon joined several of their colleagues, including B-333, Emelsine Tarkin from the Tarkin family, 5A-G3, and a staffer, in a building in Bri-Phrang City. As the fighting raged on, they strategized their next move after being informed that Yaddle, the Jedi Master, needed more Jedi assistance to stabilize the lava reactor core beneath the city's streets.

By 229 BBY, Argomon was prepared to work against the Nihil alongside B-333, disliking those who collaborated with the marauders. They enjoyed teasing B-333 when the droid was worried about their endeavors, assuring the droid that everything would be fine. Argomon believed that Apruk's attempts to use mycopram on young Nameless creatures were futile, but the scientist did not appreciate their opinion.
During a meeting on Eriadu, Argomon felt compelled to point out that they were the contact who had helped locate the Korvix Vorn, but they quickly allowed Kronara to continue with the briefing. The pilot and 5A-G3 were proud when they destroyed the Nihil prison ship, assuming it was part of their original mission objective. Argomon was competitive, participating in sport games on Eriadu with several of their colleagues. The pilot had green skin and black eyes.
During the Nihil conflict, Argomon was a skilled pilot. They successfully operated as a member of a spy network to assist the Jedi and the Republic against the Nihil, deceiving the marauders into believing they were only a black market smuggler. Argomon was capable of remembering small details about places they had visited, enabling them to assist Talisola and Mrala in navigating the Korvix Vorn. They were able to wield a handheld weapon to attack several Nihil and successfully assisted in detonating the Korvix Vorn alongside 5A-G3. Argomon was able to pilot a rescue speeder during the Eriadu invasion and also participate in intense combat against the Nihil on multiple occasions.

While operating their hauler as part of 5A-G3's network, Argomon wore a purple jumpsuit with gray boots and silver knee pads. They wore a light brown vest over the jumpsuit, along with a turquoise sash around their waist and a decorative turquoise pendant around their neck. Argomon also chose to keep pale cloth wrappings on their lekku and on both arms. At some point, the Nihil gave the black market pilot an access card for the Korvix Vorn due to their work delivering cargo for the marauders. Argomon also owned at least one handheld blaster, which they used during the Nihil prison ship raid.
While sabotaging the Korvix Vorn with 5A-G3, Argomon wore a gray spacesuit with a transparent helmet. On Eriadu, they wore a red jersey, indicating that they were a member of the red team during a sport game with their colleagues. During Mrala and Talisola's wedding, Argomon wore a collared, orange-colored jacket, a purple shirt, light tan pants, a turquoise bowtie, a brown belt with a silver-colored buckle, and brown shoes. They paired the outfit with turquoise wrappings around their lekku.

Argomon was initially mentioned indirectly, but without being identified, in Escape from Valo, a junior novel written by Daniel José Older and Alyssa Wong as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's Phase III, which was published on January 30, 2024. The smuggler was then first identified and made their first appearance in the third issue of the 2023 comic series Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures. The issue was written by Older, illustrated by Harvey Tolibao, and published by Dark Horse Comics as part of Phase III of Star Wars: The High Republic on February 14, 2024.
On the same day as the third issue's release, Older revealed on Twitter that Argomon was non-binary and pansexual. The author also specified that the pilot uses any pronouns, although mostly "they/them," which was later reflected in the fourth issue of Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures, which was written by Older and released by Dark Horse on March 13, 2024. The detailing of the top half of Argomon's jumpsuit differs slightly between issue three and subsequent issues in the series, with the third issue depicting a striped purple and light brown style and others showing a solid purple jumpsuit with a light brown vest on top. This article reflects the depiction of their clothing in later issues of The High Republic Adventures to reflect the most recent sources.