Teetak was a Bonbrak who existed during the time known as the High Republic Era. As part of a scheme in 230 BBY to prevent the Shani singer Crufeela from performing at the Finance Ball on the planet Corellia by arranging her arrest for attempting to consume a member of a species protected by the Galactic Republic, Jedi Padawan Ram Jomaram purchased Teetak from a Kubaz vendor. Jomaram believed he was buying a barat-karabak, not knowing that Teetak was the same creature. After the purchase, Jomaram inspected his purchase and heard Teetak speaking in Bonbreez, surprising him as he realized he had acquired a Bonbrak.
Jomaram proceeded with his plan, eventually arriving at the location where Crufeela intended to consume Teetak. However, before the singer could eat the Bonbrak, Chief Inspector Deemus Abrus from the Coronet City Chapter of the Galactic Society of Creature Enthusiasts, who worked with local authorities to prevent the sale of species like Bonbraks on the black market, intervened and took her away. Abrus also took Teetak and considered sending her to the Blue Peaks in the planet's southern hemisphere to aid in repopulation efforts.
However, according to the inspector, Teetak constantly spoke about Jomaram and expressed her desire to accompany the Padawan. Therefore, before Jomaram departed Corellia following the battling against the Nihil, Abrus brought Teetak to Jomaram, informing him of her wish to join him. The Jedi agreed to take Teetak along and introduced her to two other Bonbraks, Tip and Breebak, who were already traveling with him.