Coronet City Chapter of the Galactic Society of Creature Enthusiasts

The Galactic Society of Creature Enthusiasts' Coronet City Chapter served as a branch of the Galactic Society of Creature Enthusiasts, which was a research and conservation group focused on the study of creatures throughout the galaxy. During the time of the High Republic Era, the group's leader was the Twi'lek Chief Inspector known as Deemus Abrus. They collaborated with local law enforcement to prevent the theft of specific creatures for sale on the black market. Notably, in 230 BBY, they intervened to prevent the Shani Crufeela from eating the Bonbrak named Teetak. Following this, they apprehended Crufeela and rescued Teetak. Abrus proposed relocating Teetak to the Blue Peaks situated on Corellia with the goal of increasing the population in that region.

