
B-333, also known as Bee-Triple-Three or Big Bee, was a droid who collaborated with Argomon, a smuggler operating within the black market. Around 229 BBY, B-333 became part of the spy network led by the droid 5A-G3, working against the Nihil marauders while supporting the Republic and the Jedi Order. They frequently transported provisions to the Nihil prison ship, known as Korvix Vorn, using their hauler. During that year, B-333 and Argomon secretly installed a tracking device on the Korvix Vorn, with the droid intentionally staying on board as part of a scheme to eventually sabotage the vessel.

Shortly thereafter, in 228 BBY, the Republic Defense Coalition and the Jedi launched a raid on the prison ship after the tracking device revealed its location, aiming to liberate the prisoners held captive. After 5A-G3 and Argomon assisted a team in securing the upper cannons of the prison ship, the two set the Korvix Vorn to explode before escaping with B-333. Upon their return to the planet Eriadu, B-333 found enjoyment in playing games with some of their associates. Later on, B-333 was present at the wedding of Zeen Mrala and Lula Talisola, who were becoming wives. As the fighting went on, the droid aided in the defense of Eriadu against the Nihil invasion, collaborating on strategies with others.


Fighting the Nihil

Farzala Tarabal was B-333's contact on the Korvix Vorn.

During the High Republic Era, B-333, also known as Bee-Triple-Three or Big Bee, was a droid working in partnership with Argomon, a smuggler who operated within the black market. Following the destruction of the Starlight Beacon space station in 230 BBY, B-333 joined the spy network of the droid 5A-G3, with the goal of opposing the Nihil marauders following their creation of the Occlusion Zone. The Occlusion Zone was a region of space isolated behind a seemingly impenetrable barrier known as the Stormwall, through which only Nihil ships could navigate.

As part of this effort, B-333 and Argomon made multiple times crossings of the Stormwall to deliver illicit goods to the Nihil. While outwardly appearing to support the marauders, they occasionally transported supplies to the prison ship Korvix Vorn. Aboard the vessel, B-333 developed a relationship with Farzala Tarabal, a Jedi Knight and one of the prisoners, with whom he collaborated to relay information to 5A-G3. In 229 BBY, B-333 discovered that the Korvix Vorn was planning a supply run outside the Occlusion Zone in the near future and reported this intelligence to 5A-G3 upon returning to the Republic outpost located on the planet Eriadu in the Outer Rim. After 5A-G3 introduced the droid to several Jedi and Galactic Republic colleagues and explained his work, B-333 repeated what he had found out.

A supply run

B-333 and Argomon operated in a black market hauler that crossed the Stormwall on supply runs.

While the others engaged in conversation about the Korvix Vorn, B-333 continued to mutter to himself, repeatedly expressing his strong dislike for the prison ship, which he considered dilapidated and unpleasant, and his relief at having left it. 5A-G3 then instructed B-333 and Argomon to attach a tracking device to the Korvix Vorn to assist Republic and Jedi forces in pinpointing its next departure from the Occlusion Zone. B-333 remained anxious about the mission, becoming increasingly panicked as Argomon enthusiastically increased the speed of their hauler. The pilot reassured the droid that the Nihil would always allow them passage through the Stormwall, although the latter remained apprehensive. As they approached the Korvix Vorn, Argomon reminded B-333 of his role in the operation, explaining that his nervous chatter would serve as a distraction.

B-333 felt unnerved when Deblindrix III crawled on him.

Upon arrival, Argomon delivered several boxes of regenerative mycopram substance to Niv Drendow Apruk, the Nihil scientist, while Apruk's young Nameless creature, Deblindrix III, slowly crawled onto B-333, causing him discomfort. After the creature moved away, the droid repeatedly voiced his dislike of being on the Korvix Vorn as he ventured deeper into the ship. B-333 then met with Tarabal, who commended the droid for his perfect timing in initiating the prisoners' escape plan, though the droid simply expressed his weariness at the prospect. B-333 and Argomon successfully placed the tracking device on the Korvix Vorn after arrival, and the latter left the former behind on the Korvix Vorn as part of 5A-G3's eventual plan to sabotage the ship to return to Eriadu.

Shortly thereafter, in 228 BBY, the tracking device on the Korvix Vorn revealed the ship's location, prompting the Jedi and the Republic Defense Coalition to launch a raid on the prison ship with the intention of rescuing its prisoners. Assuming that the mission included the destruction of the Korvix Vorn after the prisoners were rescued, 5A-G3 and Argomon collaborated to devise a plan to detonate the vessel and reunite with B-333, who was still aboard the Nihil ship.

Korvix Vorn destruction and return

5A-G3, Argomon, and B-333 after exploding the Korvix Vorn

During the raid, 5A-G3 and Argomon assisted their boarding party in securing the cannons of the Korvix Vorn before separating from the group to rejoin B-333. After setting the prison ship to explode, they escaped aboard their boarding party's ship. As they flew away, the Korvix Vorn exploded in flames, shocking the Jedi and rescued prisoners on board. After Zeen Mrala, a Republic operative, inquired, 5A-G3 informed those present that their trio had always intended to destroy the Korvix Vorn, causing everyone to sigh in relief and embrace each other. B-333 returned to Eriadu with their colleagues and rescued prisoners, expressing gratitude at being headed home.

On Eriadu, B-333 joined several Jedi and Republic colleagues in a game that involved scoring pucks into illuminated goals. However, Jedi Master Yoda contacted the group via hologram, informing them that they needed to evacuate because the Stormwall had expanded, placing Eriadu on the border of Republic space. Shortly after, the Padawan Academic Cruiser Star Hopper, commandeered by the Warden, the former commander of the Korvix Vorn, arrived in Eriadu's atmosphere to launch an attack intended to scare those at the Republic outpost. B-333 watched the Star Hopper from Eriadu's surface as several of his colleagues attempted to reclaim the Jedi Order's former vessel, though their efforts were ultimately unsuccessful.

Eriadu invasion

Shortly thereafter, B-333 attended the wedding of Mrala and her fiancée Lula Talisola at Eriadu's Arkorayal Cantina. During the ceremony, as the pair were pronounced spouses, the droid held their wedding cake in his claws. The attendees, including B-333, briefly celebrated the couple's nuptials before departing the cantina to fend off the Nihil who were invading the planet.

B-333 and his colleagues gathered to strategize during the Eriadu invasion.

In the streets of Bri-Phrang City, B-333 joined his colleagues in engaging in combat among the buildings lining the city's streets. Later, near the seas surrounding the city, the forces defending Eriadu, including the droid, boarded rescue speeders and once again clashed with the Nihil under the leadership of Tarabal and Qort. The group eventually drove back several Nihil operating gunboats under "The Warden"'s command, with B-333 boarding a Nihil gunboat after its capture. After seizing control of at least one of the gunboats, the Jedi and droids regrouped under Tarabal's command and rallying cry after Qort was injured, intending to continue repelling the remaining Nihil on Eriadu.

Later, B-333 joined several of his colleagues, including Argomon, Emelsine Tarkin (a member of the Tarkin family), 5A-G3, and a staffer, in a building in Bri-Phrang City. As the fighting continued, they strategized their next move after learning that Jedi Master Yaddle required additional Jedi assistance to stabilize the lava reactor core located beneath the city's streets.


B-333 was part of 5A-G3's anti-Nihil network.

B-333 had blue sensors and plating that was yellow and gray. On his front, he had an illuminated set of five red, white, and blue buttons, as well as two jointed limbs equipped with maneuverable claws. B-333 was capable of communicating in Galactic Basic.

At the time of the Nihil conflict, B-333 was loyal to 5A-G3's spy network, which worked to support the Republic and the Jedi. However, he frequently expressed his dislike for the activities he was involved in, having developed a strong aversion to the Korvix Vorn, which he and Argomon often visited as part of their supply runs across the Stormwall. Argomon believed that the droid had a tendency to babble, particularly when nervous, and the droid also occasionally stuttered. 5A-G3 and Argomon made sure to reunite with B-333 before fleeing with and then destroying the Korvix Vorn, unwilling to abandon him, with the former regarding him as a valuable asset to their team.

Behind the scenes

B-333 made his first appearance in the third issue of the 2023 comic series Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures. Written by Daniel José Older and illustrated by Harvey Tolibao, the issue was released by Dark Horse Comics on February 14, 2024 as part of Phase III of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project. In the issue, the droid was introduced as "Bee-Triple-Three," although Older confirmed on Twitter that his official name was B-333.

