5A-G3, also called Fiveay-Jeethree, was a droid who was active during the High Republic Era. After the Starlight Beacon space station's destruction in 230 BBY, they joined forces with Jedi Knight Qort and the Force-sensitive Mikkian Zeen Mrala in a search for their missing friend, Jedi Padawan Lula Talisola. To track the movements of Nihil pirates and uncover leads, 5A-G3 established a spy network—known as the Eriadu droid intelligence squad—in collaboration with the pilot Argomon and B-333. In 229 BBY, the droid went with Mrala and Qort to the Outer Rim planet Eriadu, and later to the Outer Rim moon Bracront, in pursuit of information regarding Talisola's location.
While they were on Bracront, the droid enjoyed fighting alongside Qort during a battle to take Tartak Vil's fortress by storm. 5A-G3 escaped with the group—and Talisola, who had been acting as a warlord known as Tartak Vil on the world. Upon the droid's return to Eriadu, she encountered the former Padawan Ruu and expressed a desire to flirt with him. Subsequently, the droid introduced a group of Jedi to B-333 and Argomon before the latter pair departed to attach a tracking device to the Nihil prison ship, the Korvix Vorn. Once the technology successfully located the Korvix Vorn, 5A-G3 participated in an attack on the vessel with the intention of rescuing any Jedi prisoners held captive, as well as to sabotage and destroy the ship. After assisting a boarding party in securing the prison ship's upper cannons, the droid and Argomon set the Korvix Vorn to explode, fleeing the vessel with B-333 after rejoining their colleagues aboard their own ship.
On Eriadu, 5A-G3 assisted their comrades in an attempt to recover the Padawan Academic Cruiser Star Hopper from the Nihil, although the effort was ultimately unsuccessful. They also participated in a game with their allies. Later, with Eriadu now within the Occlusion Zone, 5A-G3 accompanied their ally Sevran Tarkin and other colleagues into Seswenna Hall to address the Ruling Council. When Sevran later distanced herself from the droid and her other colleagues following the Nihil's invasion of Eriadu, 5A-G3 deployed spies to track the former and helped to lure Sevran's pet veermok—Balinta—away from her owner. Together with her allies, 5A-G3 released Balinta and followed her to Sevran's location, detaining several Nihil in the process. Later on, 5A-G3 was present at Mrala and Talisola's wedding and helped to defend Eriadu against the invading Nihil forces.

5A-G3, whose designation was also Fiveay-Jeethree, functioned as a droid during the High Republic Era. After the Nihil pirates destroyed the Starlight Beacon space station in 230 BBY, they started working with the Jedi Knight Qort and the Force-sensitive Mikkian Zeen Mrala. 5A-G3 began producing weekly reports that compiled all cases that were currently open and could potentially provide clues to the whereabouts of Mrala and Qort's friend—Jedi Padawan Lula Talisola. Talisola had been declared missing and was presumed dead after the station's destruction. The droid also became acquainted with the pilot Argomon and the droid B-333, and collaborated with them to monitor Nihil activity by leading a spy network, called the Eriadu droid intelligence squad, in an effort to locate the Nihil prison ship Korvix Vorn in the hope that some of the prisoners aboard might be captured Jedi.
As their group examined and dismissed cases that lacked new information, 5A-G3 persisted in the search for Talisola, sometimes with the assistance of Padawans who helped monitor incoming intelligence. The droid continued to gather relevant cases while Mrala was away on attack runs against the Nihil, contributing to the Galactic Republic's struggle against the pirates along the borders of the Occlusion Zone, a region of space that was sealed off by a seemingly impenetrable barrier known as the Stormwall, which only Nihil ships could traverse. In one instance, 5A-G3 learned of a Nihil warlord operating on the Outer Rim moon [Bracront], who began broadcasting that they possessed "what the Mikkian wants." However, when the Padawans monitoring Mrala's communications deemed the information useless, the droid similarly disregarded the case.

After one of Mrala's missions in 229 BBY, the droid accompanied the pair to the Bri-Phrang City on the Outer Rim planet Eriadu and waited outside the Arkorayal Cabaret Cantina, a Republic Defense Coalition outpost that had been established to intercept Nihil leaving the Occlusion Zone. While there, Mrala sang a Corellian funeral shanty inside the cantina to commemorate the lives lost during the destruction of the Starlight Beacon the year before. As Mrala sang, she was surrounded by holograms of several Jedi who had been killed or flagged as missing during the event. Mrala was surprised to see Talisola's likeness appear as one of the figures for the first time, and she assumed that 5A-G3 had altered the holograms.

The Mikkian quickly went outside to confront 5A-G3, who was singing to themselves. The droid informed Mrala that they had not added the hologram to the usual lineup of Jedi figures, and they continued to ramble as their companion's distress increased. However, the cantina employee Jackaby Snell informed Mrala that the addition had been done automatically, as Republic protocol dictated that individuals who had been missing and presumed dead for over a year would be declared so. Outside the cantina, 5A-G3 announced her arrival to Mrala and Qort as they conversed, and when they began to speak in the Aloxian language to avoid the droid, she politely informed them that she also spoke the language.
The droid activated their holoprojector, displaying open cases that might lead to the location of Talisola and the other missing Jedi. Mrala thanked the droid but instructed that all the cases be recalled—even those that had been previously discarded—to ensure that nothing had been overlooked. 5A-G3 complied, and Mrala found numerous scams and trap cases before eventually finding a file detailing a Nihil warlord from Bracront who had been broadcasting for several weeks that they had "what the Mikkian wants." When the droid revealed that the Padawans monitoring Mrala's chatter had discarded the information, the Mikkian was frustrated that she had not already gone and killed the pirate.

5A-G3 provided Mrala with information about the situation on Bracront and explained why the Nihil was not the Republic's top priority—because the warlord was not causing much trouble and was being protected by the moon's local populace. Mrala decided to travel there with Qort and the droid. After they arrived, 5A-G3 followed the pair onto Bracront's surface, where they were met by a crowd of impoverished and destitute Mikkians who had all been drawn there by the same broadcast. Mrala was annoyed that they had all come for the same reason, although the droid pointed out that their group had done the same.
5A-G3 supported Mrala's desire to storm the fortress where the Nihil warlord was taking shelter, despite Qort's protests. The droid eagerly joined the fight and cheerfully insulted the Pau'ans they were attacking while wielding their circular blade. Mrala fought her way to the top of the compound, where she discovered—to her shock—that the moon's Nihil warlord was Talisola, dressed in full pirate attire. Meanwhile, 5A-G3 and Qort prevented the enraged Mikkians from following Mrala, which resulted in the droid consuming three fingers from one of the crowd members. Afterward, the group fled the world on their ship with Talisola, narrowly escaping the angered civilians who were chasing them.

After returning to the Arkorayal Cabaret Cantina on Eriadu, 5A-G3 met with Talisola and Mrala to inform them that they were scheduled to perform on stage soon with a guest performer. The droid then spoke with the visiting operative Crash Ongwa, interrupting her conversation with Talisola to inform the operative that her bodyguard, the former Padawan Ruu, was unnerving the establishment's patrons. When 5A-G3 inquired about flirting with Ruu, Ongwa paused and indicated that they would have to ask him directly.
Eventually, 5A-G3 left the cantina and watched a lightsaber duel between Talisola and her Master, Kantam Sy. Afterward, 5A-G3 introduced the Jedi who were present to B-333 and Argomon, explaining how they could help the Jedi and the Republic gain intelligence on the Korvix Vorn when it made a supply run outside the Occlusion Zone by using their black market hauler to gain access. The pair then left the Jedi and followed 5A-G3's instructions to plant a tracking device on the Nihil vessel. Argomon then left the Korvix Vorn, leaving B-333 behind as part of 5A-G3's eventual plan to sabotage the prison ship, and returned to Eriadu. When the tracking device successfully located the Korvix Vorn not long afterward in 228 BBY, Argomon and B-333 informed 5A-G3 of the development.

Afterward, 5A-G3 attended a meeting hosted by the Republic Defense Coalition, which consisted of several Jedi and Republic operatives in Eriadu's outpost, to discuss how to infiltrate the ship and rescue any Jedi who were trapped aboard. Once they had been assigned roles for the endeavor, the group disbanded and prepared for the raid. Having assumed that the mission objective included destroying the Korvix Vorn after rescuing its prisoners, 5A-G3 and Argomon worked together to devise a plan to explode the vessel and reunite with B-333.
The droid, Mrala, Talisola, and Argomon then traveled in a ship to the Korvix Vorn's location. After navigating through the surrounding fighting vessels, they landed in the prison ship's hangar using Argomon's access card. Meanwhile, the operator of the Korvix Vorn, a disgraced Nihil enforcer known as "The Warden," jettisoned the vessel's prisoners into space and left them to die. The group joined other Jedi as part of a boarding party and headed toward the Korvix Vorn's lower cannons, but they quickly redirected to deactivate the vessel's topside blister bomb armaments to assist the efforts of the Jedi and Republic Defense Coalition forces who were fighting in space outside. 5A-G3 used their sawblades to slice off the limbs of Nihil in the cannon station, successfully securing the area with the rest of their boarding party.

When several Jedi and Mrala began acquiring oxygen tanks to rescue the prisoners who were floating in space outside, 5A-G3 and Argomon broke off from the group and promised to meet them back on their ship. 5A-G3 and Argomon collaborated to sabotage the Korvix Vorn and rig it to detonate, reuniting with B-333 during their efforts. Afterward, they joined Mrala, Talisola, and several others aboard the group's ship. As they flew away, the vessel exploded in flames, much to the shock of the Jedi and rescued prisoners aboard. 5A-G3 informed those present that they had always intended to destroy the Korvix Vorn, which led everyone to sigh in relief and hug each other. The droid returned to Eriadu with their colleagues and rescued prisoners, grateful to be headed home.

After returning to Eriadu, 5A-G3 joined several Jedi and Republic colleagues for a game that involved scoring pucks into illuminated goals. However, Jedi Master Yoda contacted the group via hologram and informed them that they needed to evacuate because the Stormwall had expanded and left Eriadu at the border of Republic space. However, the Padawan Academic Cruiser Star Hopper—which The Warden had commandeered—arrived in Eriadu's atmosphere to launch an attack and scare those at the Republic outpost. When Talisola rushed to reclaim the ship, as it had been her and her colleagues' former home, 5A-G3 insisted on not being left behind.
The droid and several others flew toward the Star Hopper in a flying speeder, with 5A-G3 interrupting Talisola and Mrala's flirting to point out the most optimal time for them to strike the Academic Cruiser. 5A-G3 continued flying the speeder underneath the vessel, assuming that her colleagues might need a backup plan if something went awry. When the Star Hopper fled to hyperspace shortly afterward, 5A-G3 maneuvered the speeder to catch their colleagues from the sky, as they had fallen off the Star Hopper's hull when it pulled away. Although most of the group was disappointed with their failed attempt to reclaim the vessel, Talisola pointed out that they had succeeded in carrying out psychological warfare by scaring the Nihil away. As 5A-G3 listened, they steered the speeder down to Eriadu's surface to allow its passengers to disembark and begin another round of their game.

Following this, the Occlusion Zone expanded again, enveloping Eriadu, and 5A-G3 was present on Eriadu with her colleagues during this time. In Eriadu City, the group went to Seswenna Hall with their associate Sevran Tarkin to address the Ruling Council and speak in favor of the Republic's interests prior to an impending Nihil invasion. 5A-G3 followed Mrala and Tarkin deeper into the building, sidestepping the security guard who attempted to stop her and chopping off the end of the guard's blaster. Upon the arrival of Sevran's brother, Navaj Tarkin, 5A-G3 expressed their appreciation of his entrance to Seswenna Hall. The group eventually fled the venue following the arrival of a group of Nihil and the marauder organization's subsequent invasion of Eriadu.
The Nihil's blockade around Bri-Phrang City caused severe supply shortages, which were only temporarily alleviated by a shipment of supplies that was brought to the city by Ongwa's crew. As their resources dwindled, 5A-G3 attended a meeting to discuss their next move against the occupiers. Although Ongwa indicated that they would need to attack another convoy soon, the droid felt that it would be difficult given the strength of the blockade around the city. Not long after, Sevran usurped Tragkul as head of the Tarkin family and distanced herself from her Republic colleagues.

5A-G3 and the others she was working with were confused as to why, and the droid attended a secret gathering to discuss the matter. Ongwa attended the meeting via a hologram that was displayed from 5A-G3, while the others moved to face each other. While Ongwa unsuccessfully attempted to have Sevran spied on, 5A-G3 continued working with numerous of her own spies throughout Bri-Phrang to gain intelligence on the situation.
The droid ultimately indicated that their efforts had not resulted in much usable information, despite the efforts of several spies, and Ongwa reported the same. The group realized that one predictable aspect about Sevran was her attachment to her pet veermok, Balinta. They then subsequently lured Baltina away to Lady Krevlin Tarkin's greenhouse with thrumfrogs so that they could later release her, since the creature would always return to its owner's side, thus leading them to Sevran.

Upon finding Balinta missing, Sevran panicked and confronted 5A-G3, Qort, Mrala, and Talisola, although each denied knowing the veermok's whereabouts. When Mrala inquired how Sevran could have misplaced such a large creature, the droid quipped that she should ask the Jedi Knight Bell Zettifar—referring to when he had been separated from his close friend, the Wookiee Jedi Knight Burryaga Agaburry— though the rest of the group glared at 5A-G3 for the comment. Sevran began roughly shaking 5A-G3 and inquiring about Balinta's whereabouts, although the droid threatened her in return, saying that she should take her hands off her carapace.

Not long after, 5A-G3 had Sevran followed, although the latter eventually shook off those who were following her. The droid then called Qort via comms to set Baltina free, which he and Sevran's cousin Emelsine Tarkin then did. 5A-G3 followed the pair as they chased the veermok through the streets of Bri-Phrang City, eventually ending up at a turbolift that led under the Arkorayal Cabaret Cantina. Several Nihil ambushed the trio in the tunnel that they entered, prompting the droid and Qort to attack the pirates and tie them up on a catwalk. 5A-G3 remained with the captured Nihil to watch them, saddened that Qort instructed her not to dump them into some nearby lava.

Around this period, Elzar Mann, a Jedi Master, dispatched several EX droids through the Stormwall. This action was prompted by Porter Engle, another Jedi Master, who had imparted knowledge that this centuries-old technology possessed the capability to traverse the barrier. These droids were directed towards various planets where Jedi were known to be active within Nihil territory, Eriadu being one such location. An agent in the employ of 5A-G3 discovered an EX droid after witnessing its descent from the sky and subsequently delivered it to their employer. 5A-G3 transported the droid to Qort, where they jointly observed the droid projecting a holographic message from Mann. The message requested a status report on their current circumstances and the return of the EX droid across the Stormwall. Qort then initiated recording, detailing the veermok incident, the prevailing political climate on Eriadu, and 5A-G3's participation in the recent events.

Shortly thereafter, 5A-G3 was an attendee at the wedding ceremony uniting Mrala and Talisola on Eriadu. Before the ceremony got underway, the droid was present inside the Arkorayal Cantina, in the company of numerous other guests. During the succinct ceremony, specifically as the pair were declared spouses, 5A-G3 expressed their excitement by raising their claws and activating flames from their rocket booster. The attendees, which included 5A-G3, celebrated the couple's union briefly, then departed the cantina to repel the Nihil forces invading the planet.
Amidst the streets of Bri-Phrang City, 5A-G3 united with their allies, engaging in combat amidst the buildings that defined the city's landscape. Later, near the coastal regions adjacent to the city, the Eriadu defense forces, including the droid, embarked on rescue speeders and once again clashed with the Nihil, this time under the command of Tarabal and Qort. The group successfully drove back several Nihil gunboats operating under the orders of "The Warden". Following the capture of at least one gunboat, 5A-G3 boarded it. After the capture of at least one gunboat, the Jedi, under the command of Tarabal, rallied after Qort sustained injuries, with the intention of continuing to drive out the remaining Nihil on Eriadu.
Subsequently, 5A-G3 joined several of her colleagues, which included Argomon, Emelsine Tarkin, B-333, and an unidentified staffer, inside a building situated in Bri-Phrang City. As the battle raged on, they formulated a strategy for their subsequent actions after receiving information that Yaddle, a Jedi Master, required additional Jedi assistance to stabilize the lava reactor core located beneath the city's streets. While Emelsine voiced concerns about Sevran's potential displeasure with this development, 5A-G3 echoed that Tarabal would likely share a similar sentiment.
While 5A-G3 held affection for Mrala and Qort, they regarded all organic beings as transient "organ flesh sacks" destined to perish in the void. They found enjoyment in the company of several of their colleagues, notably B-333, whom the droid diligently rescued from the Korvix Vorn alongside Argomon. By the time the Nihil conflict had begun, the droid demonstrated loyalty towards the Jedi and the Republic, actively collaborating with them against the Nihil. However, when questioned, 5A-G3 expressed a stronger affiliation with "chaos" than with the Republic. Despite the often-challenging conditions under which she operated, the droid took pride in maintaining a highly effective network of spies that provided valuable intelligence.

They derived pleasure from contemplating the concept of death, perceiving it as an "infinite finale" and a "caress of the beyond." When presented with the opportunity, the droid relished engaging in and threatening violence against others. The droid gained recognition among their peers as a "multi-hyphenate chaotic droid." 5A-G3 took a liking to Ruu during his visit to Eriadu and expressed a desire to flirt with him, finding the former Padawan's swirling black eyes captivating. Navaj Tarkin also captured 5A-G3's attention, prompting her to comment on him to her colleagues. She enjoyed teasing Mrala and Talisola about their romantic feelings and also expressed pride in the work they did to help others, often pointing out the impact their assistance had.
The droid displayed an unwillingness to allow those she cared about to face danger alone, driven both by a desire to protect them and to avoid missing out on potential chaos and violence, which she greatly enjoyed. She harbored a particular animosity towards the Nihil and showed no concern for their suffering, even if it involved pushing them into lava. 5A-G3 readily operated outside the bounds of official mission directives, choosing to inflict harm upon the Nihil and justifying her actions by assuming that her endeavors aligned with the mission's underlying intent.

5A-G3 possessed orange sensors, silver-and-blue plating, and a rectangular base. Additionally, the droid featured two jointed limbs terminating in claws and one curved smaller limb. It was equipped with a holoprojector capable of projecting both maps and holograms of individuals, along with a rocket booster. As weapons, she had two silver-colored, rotating sawblades that extended from her clawed limbs, each adorned with numerous sharp ridges. These limbs possessed sufficient sharpness to sever both organic limbs and metal weapon barrels. 5A-G3's head could extend to at least twice its normal height, and the droid's programming enabled it to communicate in at least two languages: Aloxian and Galactic Basic.
They demonstrated the ability to aggregate data case files and pilot a speeder. 5A-G3 successfully managed a network dedicated to tracking Nihil activity, which comprised numerous spies performing high-level tasks. As part of their duties, they proved capable of sabotaging vessels such as the Korvix Vorn, leading to its destruction, and engaging in close-quarters combat. Beyond their technical capabilities, 5A-G3 also considered themselves an entertainment and gastronomical droid.

5A-G3 was a character conceived for the 2023 comic-book series Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures, which was launched as a component of Phase III of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project. They made their initial appearance in the first issue of the series, penned by Daniel José Older, illustrated by Harvey Tolibao and Nick Brokenshire, and published by Dark Horse Comics on December 6, 2023. 5A-G3 was initially depicted in a StarWars.com article documenting the Lucasfilm panel's unveiling of the issue's cover artwork at San Diego Comic-Con on July 21 of the same year. The publisher's synopsis for the issue mistakenly referred to the droid as "5AG3."
5A-G3 was first formally identified by name in a StarWars.com article that discussed details pertaining to the then-forthcoming Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures series on September 18, 2023. The droid also featured in the first issue of the Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures – Dispatches from the Occlusion Zone comic miniseries, which was written by Older, illustrated by Paris Alleyne, and released by Dark Horse on October 9, 2024 as part of The High Republic's Phase III. On the day preceding the issue's release, Alleyne shared several uncolored pages from the comic on social media, including several sketched panels showcasing 5A-G3.

As confirmed by Harvey Tolibao, the comic series' artist, and Older, 5A-G3's genesis was inspired by Sage Groves, a creator who served as the literary assistant to Older and Star Wars author Alyssa Wong. Groves regarded the inclusion of a Star Wars character modeled after her as one of the highlights of their year, alongside assisting in the editing of The High Republic: Escape from Valo, a Star Wars: The High Republic junior novel co-authored by Wong and Older, which was released on January 30, 2024.
The editor confirmed that 5A-G3's pronouns are "she/they", and are intended for use interchangeably. 5A-G3's pronouns mirror those used by Groves, and the droid's name is a leet speak variant of the editor's name. Tolibao was responsible for 5A-G3's design, drawing inspiration from an espresso coffee bean grinder. Groves engaged in a conversation with him regarding the design, finding the artist's inspiration for the droid's depiction amusing, as he was unaware that she had been employed as a barista when she initially began communicating with Older. Upon 5A-G3's debut, the editor showcased a copy of the issue featuring custom artwork of the droid sketched on a plastic cover encasing a copy of the first issue of The High Republic Adventures. Groves has also expressed their desire for 5A-G3 to make future appearances in Star Wars media.