Unidentified clone trooper pilot (Twilight)

During the era of the Clone Wars, a clone trooper was part of a Jedi and clones squad during the mission to break into Skytop Station. This trooper stayed aboard the Twilight, acting as the vessel's pilot while the rest of the group infiltrated the Separatist station with the goal of recovering the astromech droid R2-D2. Once Anakin Skywalker found and saved R2, the trooper proceeded to the south landing bay to extract the survivors, who ultimately consisted of only Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Clone Captain Rex, and Denal.

Behind the scenes

The trooper's initial, albeit brief, appearance occurred in the opening flashbacks of "Ambush," the premiere episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars' first season, which was initially broadcast on October 3, 2008. He then fully appeared in "Duel of the Droids," the seventh episode of the show's first season, which was originally shown on November 14 of that same year, with Dee Bradley Baker providing his voice.

