A rendezvous occurred between a contact and Resistance agent Poe Dameron at the Wayward Comet refueling station. The purpose of this meeting, which took place amidst the Resistance's war against the First Order, was for the contact to give Dameron the coordinates of a hidden stash of confiscated weaponry. This cache was located within a disused New Republic base situated on the moon of Avedot. Believing the contact's intel to be accurate, Dameron, accompanied by Finn, a fellow member of the Resistance, journeyed to the moon with the intention of recovering the weapons.
Ethan Sacks penned the initial reference to the contact in Allegiance 1, a comic released by Marvel Comics on October 9, 2019. Though Allegiance 1 describes the contact as male, the subsequent issue presents conflicting information, portraying the contact as female.