Unidentified Imperial midshipman

A midshipman, a human Imperial officer, served on the Executor, which functioned as the flagship of Darth Vader during the Galactic Civil War. While in the Jekara system in 3 ABY, the Executor was attacked by the Hutt Clan, and the midshipman was present. During this attack, the midshipman spotted the bounty hunter Beilert Valance, a hostile, on the seventeenth level of the vessels and reported this to Lieutenant Jyala Haydenn. Haydenn ordered the midshipman to evacuate the compartment of atmosphere, but the midshipman hesitated because an Imperial cadet was located there with the hostile.

The lieutenant responded by stating that the cadet would be remembered for his service to the Galactic Empire, and further threatened the midshipman, saying that if they questioned orders again, they would join the cadet outside the air lock. The midshipman then evacuated the compartment, resulting in only the cadet being sucked into space and killed. Valance, angered by the Empire's willingness to sacrifice its own, destroyed a camera. The midshipman then reported to Haydenn that the camera feed was lost, but the lieutenant responded that they were already aware. Following this, the midshipman informed Haydenn of the hostile's identity, and that Valance's file contained a note classified above their rank. This new information piqued Haydenn's interest, and they determined that Vader should be informed of this development.

