A bounty hunter clad in a mask was once a female Human who formerly served as a prison guard hailing from Drash-So. After the Second Imperial Civil War concluded, she transitioned into the profession of a bounty hunter. During the final years of the Galactic Empire ruled by Darth Krayt, she was a guard at a labor camp on Drash-so, controlled by the One Sith. Her time as a prison guard saw her become infamous for her brutal and cruel behavior, and she was known to use a laser whip as a weapon. At some point, she encountered Ania Solo, a descendant of the famous smuggler Han Solo. Ania, along with her lover Ramid, attempted to break free from the prison camp. While Ania managed to escape off-planet, Ramid was caught again.
Rather than admitting her failure to her Sith superiors, she decided to take on Ania's identity. When the Fel Empire liberated the labor camp following the One Sith's defeat, the guard used her stolen identity to avoid being punished for the crimes she had committed. Later, she crossed paths with Teemen Alton, an Imperial Knight, and murdered him. Because she was using Ania's identity, the Galactic Federation Triumvirate mistakenly believed that Ania was responsible for the murder. After Ania reappeared after the Carreras Incident, the Triumvirate added her to their Most Wanted list in 139 ABY. The guard then adopted the persona of a bounty hunter, with her primary goal being to hunt down and capture Ania.
Her objective was to implicate Ania in her crime by replacing Ania's real hand with her own prosthetic one. After a long chase, the bounty hunter finally found Ania on a desolate world characterized by acid rain and glass shards. Before she could complete her scheme, Ania Solo was rescued by Jao Assam, her friend and an Imperial Knight. During their fight, Jao managed to cut off her prosthetic hand. After getting away from him, the bounty hunter moved towards Ania, but Ania managed to activate the remote for her TIE/sa bomber, causing it to crash into the bounty hunter, killing her. Following this, stormtroopers arrested Ania and took her back to Coruscant for trial. However, Assam retrieved the bounty hunter's prosthetic hand and presented it as evidence to prove Ania's innocence.

During the time of the Second Imperial Civil War, a Human female was in the service of the Sith-controlled Galactic Empire. She worked as a prison guard at an Imperial prison camp located on Drash-so. This guard was infamous for her brutal and cruel treatment of the prisoners under her watch, and she frequently made use of a laser whip. At some point, her left hand was replaced by a cybernetic hand that had the capability to interface with her laser whip. During her tenure as a prison guard, she encountered Ania Solo, a descendant of the renowned Han Solo. Ania had been sent to the labor camp along with her lover, Ramid, due to a murder charge. Ania later recalled that the guard routinely subjected her to beatings and torture. When Ania successfully escaped from the labor camp and fled off-world to the Carreras system, the guard chose not to report this escape to her One Sith superiors. This was because she feared the punishment she would receive for allowing a prisoner to escape, a misdemeanor that was punishable by death.
Instead, the guard made the decision to assume Ania's identity. When the "renegade" Fel Empire carried out the liberation of the Drash-So prison camp, she was presented with the perfect alibi and was able to avoid facing prosecution for the crimes she had committed. After taking on Ania's identity, the former prison guard was able to leave Drash-so, posing as a refugee. At some point, she encountered Teemen Alton, an Imperial Knight, whom she considered to be an arrogant individual. When the Knight stood in her way, the impostor used her laser whip to kill him in the Opoku system. Following this, the former guard adopted the guise of a bounty hunter until the situation had calmed down.

Following the events of the Carreras Incident, the Triumvirate decided to place a bounty on Ania's head for the alleged murder of Teemen Alton. This decision was part of their newly established program aimed at hunting down war criminals. The former prison guard, now operating as a bounty hunter, saw this as an opportunity to settle old scores with Ania. After discovering that Ania had traveled to the Carreras system following her prison break, she paid a visit to Ania's abandoned junkyard on Carreras Minor's moon. While there, she came across a group of creditors who had arrived to collect Ania's outstanding debts. She proceeded to kill them, but not before demanding that they reveal Ania's current location.
In the meantime, Ania and her newly acquired companions made their way to Lasgo Port with the intention of delivering supplies. This was part of their larger quest to hunt down the rogue Sith known as Darth Wredd. However, instead of continuing her mission, Ania was kidnapped by her former lover, Ramid. Ramid held a grudge against Ania for abandoning him during their escape attempt from Drash-so and intended to claim the Triumvirate bounty that had been placed on her head. Ramid and his crew ended up on a desolate planet that was characterized by acid rain and glass shards. As they entered the planet's atmosphere, they found themselves being pursued by the masked bounty hunter, who had managed to acquire an antique Imperial TIE bomber. The masked bounty hunter continued to pursue Ramid's starship, inflicting damage that ultimately forced it to crash-land on the barren planet's surface.
Ania and a wounded Ramid managed to survive the crash, but they were quickly cornered by the bounty hunter. The bounty hunter emerged from her TIE bomber and demanded that Ania reveal herself if she was still alive. The bounty hunter made it clear that she preferred to capture her prey alive, but she vowed to kill Ania if she resisted. After sending a medical droid to provide care for the wounded Ramid, Ania exited Ramid's starship and opened fire on her pursuer, knocking her unconscious with a blast to the head. Ania then fled into the surrounding wilderness before her pursuer had a chance to recover. The bounty hunter survived the encounter because her visor provided protection for her head.
Eventually, Ania stumbled upon a ruined temple that overlooked a valley populated by giant beetles. Ania lost her footing and fell over the cliff, almost being trampled to death by the beetles. However, she was rescued by the masked bounty hunter, who used her laser whip to pull her out of the valley. The bounty hunter then used her laser whip to bind Ania's hands and led her back towards her TIE bomber. During their journey, Ania denied having killed the Imperial Knight, arguing that she would not have been caught so easily if she had been the killer. However, her captor retorted that Ania had shot her in the head, which did not make her sympathetic to her cause. The bounty hunter then used her remote to summon her TIE bomber. Ania attempted to taunt her captor for being a lone wolf, but the bounty hunter refused to engage in her banter. Before the bounty hunter could take Ania away in her transport, Ania's former lover, Ramid, reappeared on his speeder bike and rescued Ania. During the attack, the bounty hunter was knocked unconscious but did not sustain any injuries.

Ania and Ramid managed to escape on their speeder bike, heading into the wilderness. While taking shelter during a "glass storm," they reconciled their differences and forgave each other. Meanwhile, Ania's companions—the Imperial Knight Jao Assam, the assassin droid AG-37, and the Mon Calamari engineer Sauk—learned from the Imperial Knight Master Yalta Val that Ania had been framed for the murder of Teemen Alton. Val had uncovered evidence indicating that the real murderer possessed a prosthetic hand. By this point, Ania's companions had landed on the barren planet that was plagued by acid rain and glass shards and were closing in on Ania's trail. Meanwhile, the bounty hunter traveled to the planet's only settlement, where she killed the local residents, but not before they managed to send out a distress call. The bounty hunter then concealed herself within the settlement, setting a trap for Ania and Ramid.
The masked bounty hunter successfully ambushed Ania when she stumbled upon a pile of bodies belonging to the residents who had been killed by the bounty hunter. Before Ania could warn Ramid, the bounty hunter approached her stealthily from behind and grabbed her around the neck with her laser whip. However, Ramid then appeared and launched an attack on the bounty hunter from behind. He managed to stab the bounty hunter's breathing apparatus, but the bounty hunter retaliated by throwing him against the wall. She then proceeded to strangle Ramid, who attempted to disable her prosthetic hand with his knife. However, the bounty hunter proved to be stronger and succeeded in breaking Ramid's neck. Before she could turn her attention to Ania, the young woman's Imperial Knight friend reappeared and engaged the bounty hunter in combat with his lightsaber. Ania then seized the opportunity to flee outside, only to be caught in an acid rainstorm.
Following a prolonged duel, the bounty hunter managed to drive Jao away by detonating a thermal detonator, which caused damage to the building. However, the Imperial Knight survived due to his Force abilities. The bounty hunter then discovered Ania hiding in a cave. The assassin droid AG-37 had carried her into the cave before shutting down due to internal damage caused by the acid storm. Ania engaged in a fight with the bounty hunter and jumped into a chasm. However, the bounty hunter managed to catch onto her boot with her laser whip. Ania then dragged her down with her and managed to grab a laser whip. Since the bounty hunter had rigged the whip to work with her prosthetic hand, Ania was unable to activate it.
After revealing her true identity to Ania, the bounty hunter knocked her unconscious and secured her left hand to a metal restraint. Her intention was to amputate Ania's hand and replace it with her prosthetic hand in order to frame her for the murder of Teemen Alton. When Ania questioned why she still wanted to torture her, the bounty hunter explained that she had been punished by her Sith superiors for allowing Ania to escape. However, the bounty hunter then assumed Ania's identity, which allowed her to evade capture following the end of the Second Imperial Civil War. The bounty hunter also claimed responsibility for murdering Alton but blamed the Knight for his own death.
Before she could carry out her surgery, the bounty hunter was ambushed by Jao Assam, who managed to throw her to the ground, causing her to drop her remote. The TIE bomber then crashed into the pit. The masked bounty hunter fought back with her laser whip and managed to choke Jao with it. However, Jao managed to free Ania using his Force powers, and the girl grabbed a blaster. Ania then shot the bounty hunter's prosthetic hand, causing her to drop her whip and lose her grip on Jao. Before Jao could recover, the bounty hunter approached Ania and attempted to execute her with a blaster pistol. However, Ania grabbed the bounty hunter's remote and used the TIE bomber to ram into her, killing the bounty hunter.
The death of the masked bounty hunter brought an end to the threat she posed to Ania Solo. However, despite her death, the damage she had inflicted on Ania remained. Shortly after her death, a squad of Trandoshan stormtroopers arrested Ania for the alleged murder of Teemen Alton. Ania was transported to the galactic capital of Coruscant to stand trial. Having uncovered evidence pointing to the bounty hunter, Master Yalta Val represented her in court. When the military tribunal demanded evidence to corroborate Ania's innocence, the Imperial Knight Jao Assam presented the severed hand of the dead bounty hunter. Faced with evidence indicating Ania's innocence, the Triumvirate authorities were compelled to exonerate Ania and release her from custody.

The masked bounty hunter had earned a reputation for being a cruel and sadistic prison guard. She was despised by many of her former prisoners, including Ania Solo. The masked bounty hunter also possessed a vindictive nature, as demonstrated by the great lengths she went to in order to frame Ania for a crime that she herself had committed. She viewed the Fel Empire as "renegades" and remained loyal to the One Sith and their Galactic Empire. The bounty hunter was also willing to kill without hesitation, as evidenced by her murder of several creditors who happened to visit Ania's junkyard to collect debts. Later, she killed the entire population of a settlement on a remote world during her pursuit of Ania Solo. She also exhibited an unfriendly demeanor and had little patience for jokes or bantering.
The masked bounty hunter was highly skilled in combat and proficient in the use of laser whips. She was able to engage lightsaber-wielding Imperial Knights on at least two separate occasions. At some point, she lost her left hand and acquired a prosthetic hand that was specifically designed to operate her laser whip. She was also resourceful enough to utilize her whip as a lasso and as a pair of improvised restraints. The bounty hunter was also a tough and resilient fighter, capable of withstanding significant damage. In addition, the bounty hunter piloted an antique TIE bomber, which had been modified to fly on autopilot when activated by a remote. She was also a skilled pilot and demonstrated her abilities by downing Ramid's starship.
The masked bounty hunter made her first appearance as the primary antagonist in Star Wars: Legacy Volume II Book 3—Wanted: Ania Solo, which served as the third story arc in Corinna Bechko and Gabriel Hardman's Star Wars: Legacy Volume 2. This series ran from January 22 to May 28, 2014. Jimmy Presler was responsible for the character's design, while Gabriel Hardman handled the drawing, and Jordan Boyd provided the coloring. There was speculation among fans suggesting that the bounty hunter might be Morrigan Corde, the mother of Cade Skywalker and Ania's aunt. However, Bechko and Hardman dismissed the credibility of this plot twist and chose to maintain the bounty hunter's identity as an unknown character.