Star Wars: Legacy Volume II, Book 3: Wanted: Ania Solo, a trade paperback from the Star Wars Legends continuity, compiles issues 11 through 15 of the Star Wars: Legacy Volume 2 comic series, penned by Corinna Bechko and Gabriel Hardman. Dark Horse Books released it on August 26, 2014.
Ania Solo finds herself accused of murdering an Imperial Knight! Now labeled a wanted criminal, even her allies Sauk and Imperial Knight Jao Assam are hesitant. Before Ania can offer an explanation, their vessel is jeopardized, the group is separated, and Ania is seized by a bounty hunter, while another gives chase! This collection includes Star Wars: Legacy issues #11–#15.
- Star Wars —Set 140 years after the events of A New Hope!
This comic book storyline unfolds in 139 ABY, a year after Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire fell and the Galactic Federation Triumvirate rose as the new governing body. Remnants of the One Sith still operate secretly, posing a danger to the galaxy and aiming to revive their former regime. Simultaneously, a renegade Sith known as Darth Wredd has initiated an insurgency against the One Sith, with the goal of reinstating the Rule of Two. Subsequent to the liberation of the Mon Calamari Orbital Shipyards, Ania Solo, a junk dealer, the Imperial Knight Jao Assam, the Mon Calamari engineer Sauk, and the former assassin droid AG-37, continue their pursuit of Darth Wredd. Jao had a Force vision that Wredd threatened Galactic Empress Marasiah Fel. The quartet travels aboard AG-37's freighter.
Various traders and scavengers show up at Ania Solo's junkyard, located on Carreras Minor's moon, seeking to recover outstanding debts. However, they are instead caught off guard by a mysterious masked bounty hunter who is after Ania Solo. The bounty hunter then murders the visitors using her laser whip. After navigating a minefield, Ania and her crew arrive at Lasgo Port to deliver items to a buyer. Ania attempts to tame a yarthul, a large four-legged creature found on the planet, hoping to make some extra credits. Regrettably, Ania fails and forfeits her comlink as security. While in Lasgo Port, Ania and her companions learn that Ania is wanted for the murder of an Imperial Knight named Teemen Alton. When challenged, Ania strongly denies killing the Knight, stating that Jao Assam was the first Imperial Knight she had ever encountered. Jao is suspicious of Ania because she was hiding in the isolated Carreras system around the time of the alleged crime.
As they travel through the minefield, their spaceship's fuel injection bay is damaged by space debris. The crew sends their Imperial communications droid to repair the damage. While fixing the fuel bay, the droid discovers a damaged spaceship nearby with its crew alive but in need of assistance. AG-37's freighter connects with the damaged spaceship, and Ania's comrades make contact with the crew. Ania also runs into her former romantic interest, Ramid, who claims that a mine damaged his ship's net isolator, causing the shield systems to fail. Without functional shields, the spaceship cannot travel through space. While Ania reconnects with Ramid, her companions return to AG-37's freighter to acquire tools and replacement parts. However, this is all a deception.
Once Ania is isolated from her friends, Ramid and his crew take her prisoner. Ramid's spaceship then starts its engines and fires on AG-37's freighter, trying to destroy it in the minefields. Jao barely manages to save their spaceship from destruction. However, Ramid and his crew exploit the explosion to jump into hyperspace, taking Ania with them. Ania's companions pick up a signal from her comlink, which they trace back to Port Lasgo. Because Ania had lost her comlink as collateral while trying to tame a yarthul, Sauk doubts that it is really her. Knowing that Ramid's spaceship had made a cold jump into hyperspace, Sauk figures out that they could not have traveled more than two star systems before running out of fuel.
Aboard Ramid's spaceship, Ania struggles to escape her captors but is subdued. Ramid explains why he kidnapped her. He is still angry at Ania for abandoning him when they escaped from a prison camp and intends to collect the Imperial bounty on her as revenge. Ania denies killing the Imperial Knight, but Ramid refuses to believe her. Running low on fuel, Ramid and his crew decide to land on the fourth world of an unnamed star system, which hosts a small outpost. This planet is an unwelcoming place with clouds containing acidic vapor and rain consisting of molten silica or glass shards. Meanwhile, on Coruscant, Master Yalta Val is skeptical of Empress Fel's decision to end the search for Darth Wredd and instead pursue wanted individuals like Ania Solo. He confronts Antares Draco about the bounty on Ania Solo for the alleged murder of Imperial Knight Teemen Alton. Draco defends the bounty, asserting that the Imperial Knights want to send a clear message that they will not tolerate any crimes against them, past or present.
Back in hyperspace, Jao Assam explores Ania Solo's past and consults her closest allies, Sauk and AG-37, to better understand her. Sauk vouches for Ania's character, emphasizing that she is not a murderer or Sith. He recalls how Ania supported him when he was homeless on Carreras Minor and helped him find shelter and food, even though he was a stranger. AG-37 similarly recounts his first meeting with Ania on the planet Drash-so in the Selvatas system near the end of the Second Imperial Civil War. He explains that Ania was a former prisoner of an Imperial concentration camp and that she was a descendant of Han Solo. He provided her with transport offworld and helped her escape from prison to honor a promise he made to her ancestor Han Solo many years ago. Given that Ania initially pointed a gun at AG-37, Jao is suspicious of her and wants justice for the slain Teemen Alton. Following a long discussion, Jao, Sauk, and AG-37 agree that they must find her first to learn the truth. They then decide to travel to the same remote world that Ramid's ship was heading toward.
Meanwhile, Ramid's spaceship is attacked by a TIE bomber piloted by the mysterious bounty hunter who is hunting Ania. After Ramid's pilot dies, Ramid releases Ania from her cell and forces her to fly their spaceship to safety. Despite considerable difficulty, Ania manages to land the spaceship on the unknown planet in one piece. However, all the remaining crew and passengers except for Ramid and Ania are killed during the landing. Upon landing, the mysterious bounty hunter demands that Ania surrender or be destroyed with the spaceship. After sending a medical droid to treat the wounded Ramid, Ania confronts the bounty hunter and temporarily incapacitates her by blasting her helmet. Ania then seizes the opportunity to escape into the wilderness of the planet.
Still suspicious of the Triumvirate's motives for placing a bounty on Ania Solo, Master Yalta Val confronts Empress Fel. The Empress is defensive and reacts angrily, stressing the need to bring justice for Teemen Alton. Questioning Ania's guilt, Val visits an archive containing materials related to the Second Imperial Civil War. After examining files related to the Alton murder case, Val discovers that the murderer had a prosthetic arm, while Ania Solo is fully biological. Based on these facts, Val concludes that Ania Solo is innocent. Following an encounter with giant insects at a ruined temple, Ania is captured by the mysterious bounty hunter, who takes her back to her waiting TIE bomber. However, Ania is rescued by her former lover Ramid, who knocks the bounty hunter unconscious with his speeder bike. While still distrustful of Ramid, Ania accepts his offer of help since he is the only "friend" on a remote and dangerous world.
Upon arriving on the unknown remote world, Jao, Sauk, and AG-37 find Ramid's wrecked spaceship but no sign of Ania. They are forced to seek shelter when the skies begin to rain glass. The droid AG-37 resumes the search for Ania Solo since his mechanical body is unaffected by the raining shards of glass. While sheltering under Ramid's speeder bike, Ania and Ramid reconcile. They discuss their time in the Imperial prison camp, and Ramid finally forgives Ania for leaving him behind during their escape attempt and apologizes for the kidnapping. Meanwhile, Sauk and Jao receive a holographic message from Master Yalta Val, who explains that Teemen Alton's murderer had a prosthetic hand. This clears Ania of the crime of killing Alton. After the glass storm ends, Ania and Ramid enter a settlement to use its comm array to leave the planet.
Meanwhile, AG-37 spots Ania and Ramid and alerts Sauk and Jao, who fly their freighter to the settlement. Ania and Ramid quickly discover that the settlement's inhabitants have been killed by the same mysterious bounty hunter who is hunting Ania. The bounty hunter then attacks Ania and Ramid with her lightsaber whip. During the ensuing struggle, Ramid damages the bounty hunter's prosthetic hand but is killed by the assailant, who breaks his neck. At that moment, Jao Assam arrives and fights the bounty hunter with his lightsaber. The bounty hunter seems to gain the upper hand over Jao by igniting a thermal detonator and throwing him out of the building. Ania escapes outside only to encounter an acid rain storm. In desperation, she pulls her jacket over her head. However, Ania is rescued by AG-37, who carries her to shelter in a cave. Due to damage to his internal systems caused by the acid rain, Ania is forced to shut him down.
Shortly afterward, Ania is recaptured by the bounty hunter, who quickly incapacitates her and binds her left hand. She then reveals herself as a former Imperial prison guard from Ania's prison camp. Seeking revenge for Ania's escape, the bounty hunter intends to sever Ania's left hand and implant her prosthetic hand on Ania to frame her for the murder of Teemen Alton. The bounty hunter also reveals that she assumed Ania's identity after her escape and that she was the real murderer of Teemen Alton. At that point, the bounty hunter is attacked by Jao Assam, who survived the explosion. Using her laser whip, the bounty hunter gains the advantage over the Imperial Knight. However, Ania manages to break free of her restraints and shoot the bounty hunter's prosthetic hand off with a blaster. Before the bounty hunter can kill her, Ania uses the former's remote to summon her TIE bomber to crush her, killing the bounty hunter.
However, Ania Solo's troubles are not over. An Imperial shuttle lands nearby and disembarks a force of Trandoshan stormtroopers with orders to arrest Ania for the alleged murder of Teemen Alton. Jao and Sauk are unable to stop them and can only watch as the Imperials apprehend Ania. On Coruscant, Ania Solo is brought before a military tribunal consisting of three officials: the Imperial Knight Antares Draco, a Sullustan Galactic Alliance official, and a female Human Jedi. Knowing the facts of the Teemen Alton case, Master Yalta Val volunteers to represent Ania during the court proceedings. He defends Ania, pointing out that the evidence is circumstantial and emphasizing Ania's recent actions to save members of the Order.
Representing the prosecution, Antares Draco stresses Ania's guilt and demands a swift resolution to the case. Yalta Val weakens the prosecution's case by pointing out that Teemen's murderer had a prosthetic hand and that Ania has two biological hands. He adds that Alton was strangled by a laser whip that could only be operated by a matching prosthetic hand. Val's evidence sways the Galactic Alliance and Jedi members of the tribunal, but Antares Draco remains unconvinced and demands more evidence. However, Ania Solo is saved by the arrival of Jao Assam, who presents the bounty hunter's severed prosthetic hand. He explains to the tribunal that the artificial hand belonged to Teemen's real murderer and that this person tried to frame Ania for a crime she did not commit. Faced with compelling evidence, the tribunal is forced to find Ania not guilty and release her.
Following her acquittal, Ania is reunited with her companions Sauk, AG-37, and their Imperial communications droid. Ania admits that she was sent to the prison camp for murdering a malevolent individual. However, this good news is overshadowed by the news that Jao Assam has been arrested and imprisoned for deserting the Imperial Knights, a crime punishable by death. Despite clearing Ania's name, Yalta Val explains that by returning to Coruscant, Jao has effectively surrendered himself. While in prison, Jao Assam is visited by the elusive Darth Wredd, who senses the former's despondency at being treated unfairly. Darth Wredd offers to help Jao escape from prison by handing him a Sith lightsaber through the bars of his cell.
- ISBN 9781616553814; August 26, 2014; Dark Horse Books; US paperback [1]
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