An aged man, referred to as uncle, piloted a sputtering landspeeder on a specific day. This occurred two decades following the Sith rebellion, while en route to Osou on the Outer Rim planet of Genbara. He trailed behind a party of various individuals traveling the same route, which included figures known as the Ronin and the Traveler. The uncle enjoyed the ghost tales recounted by the Traveler. The storyteller was next to him while another uncle guided a beast of burden, and a pair of aunties conversed about pirate raids, the increasing strain within the Empire, and the recruitment notices present in Osou spaceport. From within his landspeeder, the elderly uncle interjected, informing the group that their focus was misplaced; rather than recruitment posters, they ought to observe the renewed disappearances of corpses. An aunty carrying an apothecary chest contributed additional gossip gleaned from the HoloNet concerning Buna. The other aunty, who was carrying baskets of rice, stated that during the war she had seen bodies vanish from battlefields after the Sith witch had passed. Ultimately, the Traveler disembarked from the uncle's landspeeder and spoke to the rumors.