Twenty standard years following the Sith uprising, a woman of considerable age, one who could be described as an aunty, journeyed towards Osou on the Outer Rim world of Genbara, carrying a container of medicinal supplies on her back. On the same route, she encountered various individuals, which included a second aunty carrying containers filled with rice, an uncle guiding a pack animal, another uncle piloting a landspeeder, and the figures known as the Ronin and the Traveler.
As the uncle with the pack animal and the other aunty conversed about how defending against marauder assaults would divert attention from the escalating unrest within the Galactic Empire, the aunty chimed in, mentioning that she had observed recruitment advertisements at the Osou spaceport. Due to the departure of young individuals to participate in the Imperial wars, those remaining would encounter increased challenges with the marauders. Following the uncle in the landspeeder's statement that corpses were disappearing once more, the aunty spoke up to relay a piece of information she had come across on the HoloNet concerning Buna. It was said that the local ruler had dispatched some of his trusted Jedi Knights to address marauders in a settlement located on Buna's moon. When the Jedi ceased communication, additional Jedi were sent, only to discover the settlement and the moon deserted, with no skeletal remains to return to the families. After someone dismissed the aunty's account as mere gossip, she asserted its veracity, citing its presence on the HoloNet.