The inaugural issue of the canon comic book miniseries, Star Wars: Vader - Dark Visions, is Vader - Dark Visions 1. Dennis "Hopeless" Hallum penned the story, while Paolo Villanelli provided the illustrations. Marvel Comics released it on March 6, 2019.
WHAT DEFINES DARTH VADER? He has existed in numerous forms: a SITH combatant, a leader, a bringer of destruction. Across the GALACTIC EMPIRE, DARTH VADER embodies dread and a mysterious, supernatural power. Yet, some have perceived the DARK LORD through a different perspective. In certain obscure and desperate regions of the galaxy, Vader can even represent a heroic figure. In the debut issue of a fresh STAR WARS limited series, author Dennis Hopeless (CLOAK AND DAGGER, JEAN GREY) illuminates the multifaceted nature of the galaxy's most prominent antagonist.
A resident of the planet Cianap reflects on past narratives of the planet's history. They express a preference for the planet's current tranquility, just as an explosion erupts overhead. The resident acknowledges the renewed conflict among the Gods, yet expresses greater fear of the deities dwelling on the planet's surface.

The clash among Gods above the clouds is, in reality, a space battle involving the Empire and the Rebel Alliance. A variety of cruisers, TIE Fighters, and X-wings engage in combat, while the planet's inhabitants remain oblivious to the Galactic Civil War unfolding above.
During the conflict, Darth Vader, the Dark Lord of the Sith, shoots down a pair of X-wings utilizing his TIE fighter. Following the destruction of one X-wing, Vader's TIE sustains damage, compelling the Sith Lord to execute an emergency landing on the planet for repairs. On the ground, Cianap's inhabitants watch in terror as the peculiar craft makes a rough landing. A solitary young resident lingers to observe the unfolding events as the rest of the populace retreats into their underground shelters for protection.
Vader swiftly exits the wrecked TIE fighter, much to the young inhabitant's astonishment. It soon becomes apparent that a massive creature, referred to as an Ender by the young inhabitant, lurks beneath Vader's feet, subsequently emerging to confront the Dark Lord. In the ensuing confrontation, Vader impales the beast with his lightsaber, inflicting injury. Enraged, the creature attempts to bite Vader, who evades the attack and traverses its underbelly, bisecting it with his lightsaber.
Ignoring the droid Raz's counsel, the young inhabitant approaches, captivated by the spectacle of someone defeating the Ender beast. Vader is struck by the beast's tail and is knocked over as the beast then grabs Vader. Presuming the Dark Lord dead, the young inhabitant is astounded to witness Vader employ the Force to summon his dropped lightsaber and strike the beast's hand. The beast releases Vader as he crashes into a building.

Abandoned with the Ender beast, the young inhabitant faces imminent peril as the creature attempts to seize them. Vader reappears astride a black steed, galloping towards the young one's location. He shoves the young one aside and resumes his battle with the beast. After a prolonged struggle, Vader ultimately manipulates the Force to position the Ender beast's head, exposing its neck. With a final lightsaber strike, Vader slays the Ender beast, causing it to collapse.
Vader approaches the young inhabitant, who now regards Vader as a deity who has liberated them and their planet. The young one expresses gratitude to the Dark Lord, but Vader dismisses it; however, Vader observes that the Force was with the young inhabitant before departing the planet.
Now free from the Ender beast's menace, the other Cianap inhabitants celebrate above ground with a bonfire and a feast. Word of the young one's encounter with the beast-slayer spreads, and they are requested to recount the events. The young one rises and narrates the tale with the flair and drama of a seasoned storyteller.
- UPC 759606094004; March 6 , 2019 ; Marvel Comics [1] 00111; Cover A; Greg Smallwood 00121; Cover B; Lucasfilm Ltd. 00131; Cover C; Elia Bonetti, Giuseppe Camuncoli 00141; Cover D; Romulo Fajardo Jr., Leinil Francis Yu