Vandor ice water

Vandor ice water, safe for human consumption, was a variety of water originating from the frigid planet of Vandor. During 10 BBY, Kara Safwan, a spy from the Rang Clan, consumed Vandor ice water from her personal flask. This occurred while she was present at a party on the yacht known as First Light. Her purpose in doing so was to maintain focus as she collected intelligence concerning Dryden Vos, the yacht's owner, and the Crimson Dawn syndicate he was affiliated with. Subsequent to the yacht's arrival on Vandor, she shared a drink from her flask with an Imperial officer on the ship's observation deck.

Behind the scenes

The 2018 film Solo: A Star Wars Story, part of the Anthology Series, featured Vandor ice water. Its identification was provided in Solo: A Star Wars Story The Official Guide, a reference book authored by Pablo Hidalgo, which accompanied the film.

