Novoc Vevut, a Mandalorian father, guides his son Ghes Orade through the verd'goten.
Within Mandalorian culture, the traditional rite of passage where a Mandalorian youth gains acceptance as an adult was known as the verd'goten. Typically around the age of eight years old, young Mandalorians would commence training in both military tactics and survival techniques under the instruction of a parent. This instruction continued until the child's thirteenth birthday, at which time they faced a test of their honed skills in combat and survival, known as the verd'goten. Successful completion of this trial meant the Mandalorian was legally recognized as an adult, earning them equal standing within Mandalorian society. It was a common custom for Mandalorians to share a drink and offer a toast to the newly recognized adult upon the completion of their verd'goten.
Akaavi Spar, a Zabrak Mandalorian woman, started her training under her father at the age of three, an earlier age than the usual eight, even though she finished her verd'goten at thirteen. In the year 25 ABY, Dinua Jeban successfully completed her own verd'goten. She and her mother, Briika, celebrated this transition into legal adulthood at the Bar Jaraniz located on Nar Shaddaa. During their celebration, Goran Beviin, a Mandalorian who was there, bought them a round of drinks and congratulated Jeban on reaching adulthood. Years later, after the Yuuzhan Vong War, Novoc Vevut, a Mandalorian father, guided his adopted son, Ghes Orade, through the verd'goten process on Mandalore.
The Star Wars canon first saw the introduction of this Mandalorian rite of passage in the video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. This rite was later identified as the verd'goten in The Mandalorians: People and Culture, an article penned by author Karen Traviss and featured in the eighty-sixth issue of the Star Wars Insider magazine, published in February of 2006. Traviss also mentioned the traditional rite in her Star Wars: Legacy of the Force novel, Legacy of the Force: Bloodlines, and her The New Jedi Order e-novella, Boba Fett: A Practical Man. Further references to the verd'goten appeared in Order 66: A Republic Commando Novel, the fourth installment in Traviss' Republic Commando novel series, and in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) developed by BioWare and launched in 2011.