
Vevec, a male Mandalorian warrior and the father of Tes Vevec, possessed significant combat experience. He demonstrated unwavering loyalty to Mand'alor Chernan Ordo, accompanying him to the planet Botajef in 127 ABY to engage Roan Fel's Galactic Empire's Imperial Army. During the ensuing conflict, Ordo met his death, and Yaga Auchs, a treacherous soldier, seized the title of Mand'alor. Auchs then commanded a retreat, withdrawing the Mandalorian supercommandos from the planet and leaving Vevec and his former son-in-law, Hondo Karr, behind. When Karr disclosed Auchs' betrayal and his strategy to evade death at the hands of the overwhelming Imperial forces by disguising himself in stormtrooper armor, Vevec recognized the importance of exposing Auchs' treachery. However, he refused to abandon his own [Mandalorian armor](/article/mandalorian_armor/legends] to save himself. Instead, understanding that the Imperial troopers would likely be suspicious, Vevec chose to assist Karr in establishing his new identity. He feigned an attack on Karr, who was now wearing trooper armor, in plain sight of the approaching Imperials. Consequently, a nearby stormtrooper witnessed a Mandalorian attacking a fallen comrade and shot Vevec. This act of self-sacrifice allowed Karr to be accepted into the Imperial unit, Joker Squad.


Vevec, a male Humanoid and a Mandalorian, lived during the declining years of the Galactic Alliance's political prominence in the galaxy. At thirteen, he underwent the verd'goten, a traditional Mandalorian rite of passage that signified his transition to adulthood. As an adult, Vevec served as a trained soldier and was the father to at least one child, a daughter named Tes Vevec.

Vevec speaking with Hondo Karr on Botajef

In 127 ABY, the inaugural year of the war between the Fel Empire and the Galactic Alliance, Vevec, alongside other Mandalorian supercommandos, followed their Mand'alor, Chernan Ordo, on a mission contracted by the Galactic Alliance. Their objective was to defend the planet Botajef from the attacking Imperials until the Galactic Alliance fleet arrived. Vevec and his Mandalorian comrades attempted to hold their ground against the overwhelming numbers of Imperial stormtroopers and walkers. The already challenging battle worsened when Mand'alor Ordo was killed. With the Imperials breaching their defenses, Yaga Auchs ordered a retreat, withdrawing the Mandalorian forces from Botajef. Vevec was abandoned in the chaos, where he discovered the unconscious Hondo Karr, his former son-in-law who had previously been married to Vevec's daughter, Tes. After Karr regained consciousness and was informed of their perilous situation, he revealed Yaga Auchs' treachery, who was responsible for the Mandalorians' earlier loss of communications. Karr proposed donning the armor of fallen stormtroopers to replace their Mandalorian armor in order to survive and escape. Vevec declined. While Karr was putting on trooper armor, Vevec realized the Imperials would be too suspicious to believe they were loyal stormtroopers. Vevec decided to sacrifice himself to validate Karr's disguise, feigning an attack on his ally in front of the approaching enemy soldiers. A nearby trooper witnessed the scene and believed the deception, opening fire on Vevec. Struck in the throat by a blaster bolt, Vevec died. His final act ensured Karr's acceptance as an Imperial soldier, leading to his inclusion in the Imperial unit, Joker Squad.

Personality and traits

Vevec displayed courage as a soldier, continuing to engage the overwhelming Imperial forces on Botajef even after the Mandalorian troops retreated. He was also proud, disliking the idea of abandoning his Mandalorian armor and impersonating the enemy. Like most Mandalorians, Vevec strongly disliked corpse-robbers and was willing to risk his life to protect and help those he cared about.


Vevec wore Mandalorian armor that was primarily green, a color traditionally associated with duty in Mandalorian culture and a common choice for Mandalorian armor. Several plates, including those on his shoulders and gauntlets, were decorated in purple, with purple accents around the T-shaped visor of his helmet. During the battle on Botajef, Vevec wielded a long-barreled blaster rifle equipped with optics.

Behind the scenes

Vevec's character debuted in the forty-first issue of the Star Wars: Legacy comic book series, titled Rogue's End. He appeared in a flashback explaining Hondo Karr's departure from the Mandalorians, drawn by Kajo Baldisimo. Vevec's death serves as the catalyst for the issue's second storyline, which features his daughter's mistaken attempt to seek revenge on Karr. Referred to only as "Vevec" throughout the issue, the layout of his daughter's name as Tes Vevec indicates that this is his clan name, rather than his given name.

