Viidaav (species)

The Viidaav, sometimes referred to as Viidaavs, represented a species of sentient humanoid beings distinguished by their green or orange-toned skin and the presence of sharp, geometric protrusions extending from their heads. Characterized by slender builds, they possessed large, highly expressive eyes and hands featuring only three fingers. Their origins trace back to the planet of Viidaav, their namesake, where many pursued occupations as miners, shipbuilders, and soldiers.

During the period known as the Clone Wars, the Viidaavs forged an alliance with the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Clone troopers serving under the banner of the Galactic Republic launched an assault on their homeworld, triggering a significant battle on the planet's surface. The indigenous population mounted a resistance against the Republic troops, yet were ultimately forced into a defensive posture around a limited mining array. As the Viidaavs were on the verge of initiating a retreat, Count Dooku, the Separatist leader, issued an order for his battle droids to detonate strategically placed mining charges within the planet's crust. However, a solitary Viidaav commander successfully managed to disarm the explosives mere seconds before their scheduled detonation.

Biology and appearance

Viidaavs, in singular or plural form, were sentient bipeds exhibiting green or orange skin tones and possessing lithe, humanoid physiques. Their feet were distinguished by two prominent toes, while their hands concluded in three robust fingers tipped with nails. The typical Viidaav's height approximated that of Galactic Republic clone troopers, who stood at a height of 1.83 meters.

The Viidaav head was characterized by a covering of dense, square-shaped projections. They possessed large, red eyes positioned beneath expressive brows, and displayed white teeth visible behind thick, green lips. Their pronounced cheekbones served to frame small, rounded ears located on either side of the head. Notably, members of this species lacked a visible nose.

Society and culture

Viidaavs had three-fingered hands and thin builds.

This species inhabited the planet of Viidaav, situated within the Viidaav system. Their population hubs were strategically located near significant rock formations, maintaining relatively small settler numbers. By the time of the Clone Wars, they had access to technology conforming to galactic standards, including macrobinoculars and blaster rifles. These rifles were characterized by a gray finish, a long, wide barrel, and a shoulder mount. These blasters were deployed in combat against Republic clone troopers during the Battle of Viidaav, proving to be a match for the clones' DC-15A blaster rifles. Certain individuals within the species engaged in mining activities, with the Viidaavs operating at least one mining colony on their homeworld's surface. Here, they utilized mining charges placed beneath the planetary crust to facilitate the extraction of valuable resources. Other Viidaavs found employment as starshipwrights and soldiers.

During the Clone Wars, Viidaav soldiers donned uniforms consisting of a brown baldric worn over the left shoulder, brown boots, a brown loincloth, and brown wraps encircling their forearms. Soldiers displayed a colored stripe on their chin, while at least one commander adorned their face with white paint around the eyes and the center of the forehead. Conversely, Viidaav civilians typically wore attire common among members of the broader galactic community.


The Viidaavs' evolutionary origins trace back to their namesake planet, located within the Bryx sector of the Mid Rim. They expanded across their homeworld, establishing at least one colony dedicated to mining operations. As part of these operations, Viidaav colonists employed explosive charges within the planet's crust to aid in the extraction of raw materials. Furthermore, the species developed a shipbuilding industry on their world.

Viidaav servers worked the crowd at Bezz Drexx's tower on Coruscant.

Their planet was situated within a region of space known as the Slice, which initially garnered attention from beings originating from other worlds around 15,000 BBY. During the Jedi Civil War, spanning from 3959 to 3956 BBY, Viidaav fell under the sphere of influence of Darth Revan's Sith Empire, led by the Sith Lord.

At some juncture during the Separatist Crisis and the ensuing Clone Wars, the Viidaavs chose to align themselves with the Confederacy of Independent Systems rather than the Galactic Republic. Early in the conflict, the Viidaavs supplied starships to the Confederacy, while the Separatists dispatched armies of battle droids and assisted in establishing a base and command center within a mining colony. Concurrently, three Viidaavs served as wait staff for Bezz Drexx, a Separatist sympathizer, at a tower located on the galactic capital of Coruscant.

Battle on Viidaav

During the battle with Republic forces, Viidaav soldiers defended a mining array from Galactic Republic clone troopers.

Following the discovery of the Separatist base on Viidaav by Republic scouts in the year 20 BBY, clone troopers launched an attack on the world, initiating a battle. The native inhabitants and their droid allies mounted a resistance, but the Republic deployed the majority of its available forces, gradually advancing towards the Viidaav mining colony. There, the Viidaav soldiers were reduced to a few hundred thousand troops concentrated around the defense of a small mining array situated within a bunker. With the Republic poised to seize the array and the planet, the Viidaavs began preparations for an evacuation.

However, any retreat would be contingent upon the availability of Viidaav-manufactured spacecraft, of which there were insufficient numbers for a complete evacuation. Meanwhile, Count Dooku, the Confederate leader, was secretly devising a plan to eliminate a significant number of Republic clone troopers, a plan that necessitated a substantial loss of Viidaav lives and would render the planet's surface uninhabitable. Dooku instructed his battle droids to covertly arm the mining charges within the planet's crust for detonation, leaving the Viidaav forces to continue fighting in order to keep the Republic forces engaged until the explosives detonated.

The battle droids armed the charges and activated the bunker's defense systems to impede attempts to disable them. Recognizing that they had been deceived, the Viidaavs dispatched a unit to disarm the explosives. Simultaneously, a unit of clone troopers approached the bunker, resulting in an exchange of fire and heavy casualties on both sides. Ultimately, only a single member remained on each side: the Viidaav commander and the clone commander. Both entered the mining array through different entrances, battling through the bunker's defenses until they met in the computer room, weapons leveled at one another as the computer steadily counted down. With three seconds remaining, the Viidaav commander fired his weapon and was fatally shot. It was only then that the clone realized that the green-skinned warrior had intended only to target the computer. The computer was destroyed, the explosives were deactivated, and the battle concluded.

Later history

Following the fragmentation of the Galactic Empire after the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, the Viidaavs and their homeworld fell under the control of an Imperial splinter faction known as the Greater Maldrood, a situation that persisted until at least 8 ABY. By 137 ABY, their world was incorporated within the domain of Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire.

Behind the scenes

The Viidaavs make their debut in "Heroes on Both Sides," a narrative initially featured in the 2006 comic book Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures Volume 5. Penned by Chris Avellone and brought to life through the illustrations of Stewart McKenny and Dan Jackson, the comic leaves ambiguity regarding whether the depicted world is the Viidaav homeworld or a colony. However, the 2008 publication The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia clarifies this matter, attributing the name "Viidaav" to both the species and the planet showcased in the story. The 2009 source, The Essential Atlas, situates the world within the Mid Rim region. Viidaav characters also appear in the 2007 McKenney story "Spy Girls," featured in the comic book Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures Volume 7.

