Following the Battle of Endor, Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax took command of a considerable fleet belonging to the Galactic Empire, concealing it within the confines of the Vulpinus Nebula. The inaugural assembly of the Shadow Council, attended by Grand Admiral Rae Sloane and Rax, occurred within the Vulpinus Nebula; subsequent to the attack on Chandrila, Rax commanded the fleet's relocation to Jakku. Accompanying this main fleet were smaller, yet still substantial, Imperial fleets drawn from locations such as the Almagest, Inamorata, Queluhan Nebula, Recluse's Nebula, and the Ro-Loo Triangle. These various fleets constituted the Imperial Navy forces loyal to the Empire, and they were all present on Jakku, where they engaged in the final battle of the Galactic Civil War.