
The Ravager, a formidable Executor-class Star Dreadnought, served the Imperial Navy. Among the Galactic Empire's military warships, it stood as one of the largest and most powerful ever built. By the time of the Rebellion on Akiva, the Ravager was known as the sole remaining Super Star Destroyer within the Imperial Navy, under the command of Fleet Admiral (later Counselor to the Empire) Gallius Rax. Most Imperials believed Rax to be dead in the months following the Battle of Endor.


Measuring 19,000 meters in length, the Ravager was among the most formidable vessels the Galactic Empire ever constructed, boasting over 5,000 turbolasers and ion cannons. Like other Executor-class Star Dreadnoughts, a city-like superstructure covered the center of its arrowhead-shaped hull, while the majority of its engineering systems resided on the underside. A trapezoidal command tower, topped with two geodesic communication and deflection domes, distinguished the aft end of the Ravager. Thirteen engine thrusters at the hull's bottom propelled the massive warship.

Gallius Rax's onboard office featured a holo-map of the galaxy, weapons, an elaborate tapestry, and an aquarium filled with translucent water creatures. Furthermore, the Ravager included a private upper garden, which Rax used for leisure.


Rax's flagship

Kuat Drive Yards built the Ravager, which then became the flagship of Gallius Rax. Before the Battle of Endor, Emperor Palpatine dispatched Rax and the Ravager to hide in the Vulpinus Nebula until a shatterpoint sensed by Palpatine had passed. In the months after the Alliance to Restore the Republic destroyed the Galactic Empire's second Death Star and the Executor, Darth Vader's Death Squadron's flagship, the Ravager became the last known Super Star Destroyer in the Empire's arsenal. Consequently, Grand Moff Valco Pandion, who had appointed himself to the position, coveted the Ravager as the Imperial Navy's most valuable asset. Aware of the ship's capabilities, Pandion attended the Imperial meeting on Akiva with the intention of seizing the Ravager, which was rumored to be under the control of Admiral Rae Sloane, the commander of the Vigilance. Sloane, secretly an agent of Rax, returned to the Ravager's bridge, located near the Vulpinus Nebula, to inform him of the failed negotiations following the Rebellion on Akiva.

By 5 ABY, the Ravager remained the headquarters of Sloane, now a Grand Admiral, who directed Imperial forces within the Vulpinus Nebula. In reality, Sloane was a figurehead for Fleet Admiral Rax, who acted as her adviser. Under Rax's direction, Sloane assembled the Shadow Council to rebuild the Empire. Rax deployed the Ravager to initiate the attack on Chandrila. After Sloane vanished on Chandrila, Rax, now holding the title of Counselor to the Empire, used the ship to command the Imperial fleet scattered across the galaxy.

Battle of Jakku

The Ravager engages in combat with the Amity

Months later, the Ravager functioned as the flagship of the Empire, which had relocated to Jakku. During the Battle of Jakku, the Ravager served as the Imperial command ship under the command of Grand Moff Randd. Randd's strategists devised a tactic where other Star Destroyers would surround the Ravager, establishing a defensive perimeter. Throughout the engagement, the Star Destroyers would adjust their formation, allowing the Ravager to unleash barrages on the New Republic Defense Fleet. New Republic forces under Fleet Admiral Ackbar managed to constrict the Imperial formations, but were unable to penetrate them.

Randd's strategy fell apart when Captain Groff of the Star Destroyer Punishment collided with the Starhawk-class battleship Amity, creating an opening in the Imperial lines. This allowed Commodore Kyrsta Agate to maneuver her Starhawk Concord into the breach and bombard the Ravager. Despite sustaining heavy damage from the Ravager's cannons, Agate successfully employed her ship's powerful tractor beam projector to pull the Super Star Destroyer into Jakku's atmosphere. Simultaneously, New Republic starships and fighters relentlessly attacked the Ravager's engines, rendering the ship immobile. Amidst the ensuing turmoil, Randd abandoned ship in an escape pod.

The Ravager's resting place in the Graveyard of Giants

After the Concord's tractor beam failed, the Ravager's thrusters attempted to regain control, but overcompensated, causing the Empire's last Super Star Destroyer to invert. The Ravager plummeted to the surface, crashing in what became known as the Graveyard of Giants, obliterating an AT-AT walker and numerous starfighters in its descent. The destruction of the Ravager shifted the momentum of the battle in favor of the New Republic. Following the Battle of Jakku, the Empire surrendered and signed the Galactic Concordance with the New Republic.


After its crash, its decaying corridors developed a menacing reputation among scavengers. In 34 ABY, twenty-nine years after the crash, Rey piloted the Millennium Falcon through the wreckage of the Ravager while evading a First Order TIE fighter while escaping, accompanied by Finn and BB-8, from Jakku.

Behind the scenes

The Ravager was first introduced in the 2015 canon novel Aftermath. In the video game Star Wars Battlefront, the ship's crash was depicted at the start of matches on the Graveyard of Giants map. The wreckage of the Ravager later appeared in the film Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens.

