Wildfire (adventure)

Wildfire represents an adventure module located within The Kathol Outback, and it also constitutes a portion of The DarkStryder Campaign. Its temporal setting is 8 ABY.

Plot summary

The New Republic corvette designated FarStar, while holding position in the vast emptiness of space to conduct maintenance and process crucial astronavigational information, detects an unidentified vessel using its long-range sensors. Upon closer inspection, they identify a Imperial assault shuttle that is adrift and surrounded by unusual energy emissions. Due to the belief that DarkStryder technology may be the cause of the ship's predicament, coupled with sensor readings indicating the presence of life forms on board, Captain Kaiya Adrimetrum gives the order to initiate a rescue mission. The team successfully extracts the surviving personnel and recovers the final computer logs just before the shuttle is destroyed. The FarStar's crew discovers that the Qektoth Confederation was responsible for the shuttle's distress, and further learn that the survivors are infected by a biochemical agent.

In an attempt to locate medical facilities capable of treating the infected Imperial crewmembers, the FarStar makes its way to Uukaablis. However, despite the extensive medical expertise of the Uukaablians, they are unable to provide a cure. Instead, they direct the FarStar's crew to Drigor Tarrens, an individual who previously belonged to the Qektoth Confederation. Medical staff aboard the FarStar then realize that their own crew has also been exposed to the biochemical agent. Following the revelation by Uta T'Cha of his past as a slaver, the First Officer, Gorak Khzam, abandons his position. He proceeds to steal the Muvon and escape from the planet.

Upon meeting with Tarrens, he guides them toward a research facility situated within the Qu'mock system. Once they arrive in the system, the FarStar dispatches a boarding party with the objective of acquiring data from the station. During this operation, the Qektoth attack cruiser known as the Scourge engages the FarStar in battle. As the station prepares to initiate its self-destruction sequence, Tarrens, who himself becomes infected with the agent after contact with the FarStar crew, supports the New Republic's efforts. With the data now in hand, the Uukaablians were able to develop a cure for the agent.

