A male human functioned as an adjutant for Governor Wilhuff Tarkin while Tarkin was serving as commander of Sentinel Base. During 14 BBY, the adjutant had to cut short a uniform fitting that Tarkin was conducting in his private living space to tell the Governor that Rampart Station, which was located nearby, was being assaulted. Tarkin stopped the fitting and, with the adjutant following him, proceeded to Sentinel Base's command center, where he learned that the transmission from Rampart was actually a deception intended to lure Imperial forces away from Sentinel Base so that a warship under the control of a rebel cell could attack the facility. Following the attack, the adjutant located Tarkin inside the base's maintenance hangar and let him know that Grand Vizier Mas Amedda was attempting to get in touch with him from the planet of Coruscant. The adjutant was shorter than Tarkin and possessed blond hair and bright eyes.
The 2014 novel Tarkin by James Luceno featured the adjutant's initial appearance, though he was not given a name at that time.