Wizzich Mozzer

A Cyclorrian named Wizzich Mozzer fought alongside his swarm for the Resistance during their conflict with the First Order. Possessing a rare curiosity and self-reliance for his species, Mozzer sought interaction with individuals outside his swarm and became proficient in sabacc, a skill he then disseminated among his fellow Cyclorrians. In 35 ABY, he found himself stationed at the Resistance's base located on the lunar body Ajan Kloss.


Wizzich Mozzer, a Cyclorrian, was part of a Cyclorrian swarm dedicated to the cause of the Resistance. Together, they fought against the First Order in the war. Stationed at the Resistance base on the jungle moon Ajan Kloss, Mozzer performed duties as a technician.

During his time serving, Mozzer picked up the game of sabacc from his fellow Resistance members and started to teach it to the rest of the swarm. Vazzet Dipterz, the taskmaster, found this bothersome, but allowed it as long as Mozzer and the others only played during their twenty minute breaks.

In 35 ABY, Mozzer was present beneath the CR90 corvette Tantive IV when Resistance pilot Temmin Wexley informed General Leia Organa about the lost contact with Resistance agents dispatched to the planet Pasaana. Later, he was in the base's command center when Organa departed to connect with her son, Ben Solo, through the Force. Following Organa's death, Mozzer attended a meeting, standing beside the Wookiee Chewbacca as General Poe Dameron unveiled his strategy to assault the Sith Eternal's military forces on the planet Exegol.

Personality and traits

Unlike most Cyclorrians, Wizzich Mozzer possessed a unique sense of curiosity and independence. He showed the most interest in interacting with personnel who were not Cyclorrian. He had gray skin and compound blue eyes.


Mozzer was equipped with a pheromone scent mask, a brown patterned scarf, a brown jacket worn over a light brown jumpsuit, and black boots.

Behind the scenes

Warwick Davis, a Star Wars franchise veteran, played Wizzich Mozzer in Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker, a film from the sequel trilogy released in 2019. His character was officially identified in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary, a reference book written by Pablo Hidalgo.

