Womp rat research lab

A scientific research facility situated on the planet Tatooine served as a location where mercenaries carried out investigations involving the indigenous womp rats.


The research complex was composed of a main building dedicated to research, accompanied by a smaller, dome-shaped structure surrounded by protective walls. Additionally, there was a separate building and an autoturret positioned outside the perimeter of these defenses. Close by, nestled among the rocks, were two womp rat habitats.


During the period between the Battle of Yavin and the Battle of Hoth, specifically during the Galactic Civil War, the research activities started triggering heightened aggressive behaviors in the womp rat population. This resulted in a surge of attacks carried out by these creatures against the local inhabitants. Consequently, a gang of hired soldiers, under the leadership of the human Saponza and his associate, initiated a search to pinpoint the origin of these attacks, which ultimately guided them to the research facility. Subsequently, Saponza, along with his partner's forces, proceeded to completely obliterate the lab.

Behind the scenes

This laboratory was initially featured as a playable environment in the introductory segment of Star Wars: Commander, a mobile-based strategy game launched in 2014 by Disney Interactive.

