Wrath battle group

A substantial battle group of the Galactic Empire's naval forces, which included the Assertor-class Star Dreadnought known as the Wrath, participated in the Galactic Civil War following the Battle of Yavin in 0 BBY. This fleet was, on one occasion, positioned along the boundary separating the Mid Rim Territories from the Outer Rim Territories in order to bolster operations aimed at suppressing the Alliance to Restore the Republic. It is believed that this battle group consisted of numerous additional starships, encompassing smaller dreadnoughts, Imperial I-class and Imperial II-class Star Destroyers, diverse cruiser-sized craft, and a multitude of auxiliary vessels.

Behind the scenes

The Lead by Example sourcebook for Star Wars Roleplaying, released by Fantasy Flight Games in 2016 for the Star Wars: Age of Rebellion roleplaying game, contained a reference to this battle group.


  • Lead by Example (First mentioned)

Notes and references
