The Wrath, an Assertor-class Star Dreadnought, served in the Galactic Empire's navy. This vessel, along with its sister ship, the Assertor, began construction at Kuat Drive Yards' Kuat shipyards prior to the Battle of Yavin in 0 BBY. Sometime following that pivotal battle, the Wrath was part of a substantial battle group, thought to include numerous other ships, and was deployed to the border region between the Mid Rim Territories and the Outer Rim Territories to participate in the Galactic Civil War against the Alliance to Restore the Republic.
The Wrath was initially referenced within the new Star Wars canon through the Star Wars Roleplaying sourcebook titled Lead by Example. This book was released by Fantasy Flight Games in 2016 for the Star Wars: Age of Rebellion roleplaying game. Its genesis was a 2010 fanon creation by Ansel Hsiao. The Wrath later entered continuity with its introduction in the Star Wars Legends book The Essential Guide to Warfare, authored by Jason Fry and Paul R. Urquhart, and published in 2012. Hsiao also contributed to the book's illustrations.