X-Wing: Starfighters of Adumar is a novel from the Star Wars Legends continuity, authored by Aaron Allston. It represents the ninth installment in the Star Wars: X-Wing series of novels, initially brought to the public by Bantam Spectra on August 3 of 1999. Furthermore, a condensed audiobook version of the novel was also created, and it was distributed in 2007.
The X-wing fighter pilots have established themselves as the Rebel Alliance's premier offensive force, overwhelming adversaries with rapid and intense attacks. However, they are now tasked with a diplomatic endeavor that promises to be even more treacherous than outright warfare....
The independent world of Adumar is on the verge of choosing a side in the galactic conflict. Representatives from both the New Republic and the Empire have been invited to Adumar, where each side will have the opportunity to present their case. However, there's a unique condition: given the Adumari's high regard for military prowess, both delegations must consist solely of fighter pilots. For Wedge Antilles and his squadron, this presents an unfamiliar challenge in diplomacy—one fraught with unforeseen dangers. Upon arrival, the X-wing pilots face challenges from Adumar's skilled warriors and attacks from Imperial assassins determined to eliminate any competition. However, these trials pale in comparison to the threat posed by a rogue Republic operative…one who is determined to secure Adumar's allegiance at any cost—even if it means sacrificing the X-wing pilots.
The planet Adumar is a unique case, populated by unknown colonists in the early days of the Old Republic. It remained isolated for centuries until its rediscovery. Given the Adumari's deep respect for starfighter pilots, Wedge Antilles, the New Republic's top pilot, is sent as a diplomat, accompanied by Tycho Celchu, Derek "Hobbie" Klivian, and Wes Janson. They receive assistance from Cheriss ke Hanadi, a native guide and blastsword champion, Tomer Darpen, a New Republic diplomat and former Y-wing pilot, and Hallis Saper, a New Republic documentarian who uses the head of a 3PO droid as a camera.
Wedge anticipates negotiating a treaty and incorporating Adumar into the New Republic. However, it quickly becomes clear that the situation is more complex than it appears. Firstly, the Empire's best pilot, Turr Phennir, is also present on Adumar, accompanied by three other pilots, just like Wedge. Secondly, Adumar is not a unified planet, and Wedge is only engaging with its largest nation, Cartann. Thirdly, the people of Cartan seem to enjoy killing each other for prestige, and Wedge is expected to participate. Fourthly, Iella Wessiri is on Adumar as an operative of New Republic Intelligence, having been there for six months, despite Adumar's supposed rediscovery only weeks prior. Wedge must navigate Adumar's unusual culture without causing offense, bring Adumar into the New Republic, and perhaps also win Iella's affection.
Red Squadron spends its time learning to pilot the local Blade-32 fighters, immersing themselves in Adumari (or at least Cartannese) culture, and grappling with their primary diplomatic challenge: Adumar's lack of a unified world government, preventing its entry into the New Republic. Conversely, the Empire would readily conquer the planet and impose a government. Therefore, Wedge is pleased when Cartann's leader, Perator Pekaelic ke Teldan, announces the formation of a world government, but Pekaelic intends to achieve this through conquest. He also expects the Empire's and New Republic's diplomats to aid in the war effort. Phennir agrees, but Wedge, unwilling to compromise the New Republic's principles, refuses. Consequently, Wedge and his wingmen are forced to endure "the gauntlet," facing mobs of citizens and pilots eager to kill them for honor, in order to escape with their lives, due to this and Darpen's willingness to sacrifice Wedge to maintain relations with Cartann.
Wedge and his wingmen, along with Iella, Cheriss, and Hallis, flee to the capital of the Yedagon Confederacy, one of the few nations that continue to resist Cartan's domination. There, Wedge is presented with a proposition: to lead the combined forces of the "rebellious" nations in a military campaign to overthrow Cartannese imperialism. Several nations that had previously submitted to Cartann defect to the newly-formed "Adumari Union" based on Wedge's reputation. Wedge ultimately commands an air force only half as strong as Cartann's, but with superior leadership and discipline. After an inconclusive air battle, Red Squadron (with Cheriss's assistance) manages to recover their X-wings and defeat Phennir and his TIE interceptor. With the tide turned, Cartann is defeated and joins the Adumari Union. Negotiations with the New Republic commence immediately. The Imperials, embittered by their defeat, dispatch a fleet to seize Adumar by force, but a combined New Republic and Adumari fleet successfully repels them. With the conflict on Adumar resolved, Wedge and Iella share a romantic moment, setting a positive tone for their future relationship.
- ISBN 9780553574180 ; August 3 , 1999 ; Bantam Spectra ; US paperback [1]
- ISBN 9780307796394 ; June 28 , 2011 ; Del Rey ; US eBook [3]