X-Wing Rogue Squadron #13, also known as "The Warrior Princess, Part 1", represents the thirteenth installment within the Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron comic book saga. Dark Horse Comics made it available on November 27, 1996.
The squadron's composition has included both Corellian heroes and skilled Alderaanian pilots; however, when the royal family of Eiattu 6 arrives to retrieve their princess from Rogue Squadron's ranks, it comes as a surprise to everyone involved... particularly the princess herself!
Wedge Antilles is seen in a starfighter simulator (piloting a simulated TIE Advanced), systematically eliminating his fellow pilots. Following a discussion about their simulated combat performance, and after introducing the new members to the squadron, the group disperses, and Antilles and Tycho Celchu proceed to a mission briefing. Gror Pernon, the Grand Duke of Eiattu, formally requests that Rogue Squadron provide an escort for the rightful princess of his world from Mrlsst back to Eiattu. This is intended to quell the internal conflict among the Imperials, the noble faction of the Priamsta, and the planet's royal family, most of whom were rumored to have been killed by the nobles, including the previous emperor and Pernon's brother, Antbbianplourr III.
When Antilles, Celchu, and Pernon visit the Rogues' living quarters, the Grand Duke identifies Plourr as "Princess Isplourrdacartha Estillo". In response, Plourr strikes him, accusing him of murdering her family. Pernon asserts that he attempted to prevent the royal family's assassination, an assertion that Plourr dismisses as fiction. Plourr, after an emotional reunion with her childhood nanny droid, 9-A9 "Nynie", consents to journey to Eiattu upon learning that her brother, Harran, the rightful ruler of Eiattu, remains alive.
The Rogues are present at Plourr's official unveiling as the princess of Eiattu. Count Rial Pernon, Plourr's second cousin, introduces himself as Plourr's intended future husband, much to the surprise of both Antilles and Celchu.