X-Wing Rogue Squadron #12, also known as "Battleground: Tatooine, Part 4", represents the twelfth installment of the Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron comic book series. Dark Horse Comics published it on September 11, 1996.
A dangerous mix exists in the form of Tatooine criminals combined with a vast supply of Imperial weapons – a combination so potent that it forces X-wing Rogue Squadron to team up with a unit of Imperial Special Forces! The intense heat of the desert becomes even more fiery in the concluding chapter of Battleground: Tatooine, as Wedge and his team strive to reclaim the galaxy, one planet at a time!
The Rogue Squadron members who journeyed to Ryloth make their way back to Tatooine. The other Rogues are surprised when Imperial troopers disembark from Winter's transport, but Winter provides an explanation during their journey. Meanwhile, on Tatooine, Captain Marl Semtin reveals to Firith Olan that Imperial dignitary Sate Pestage had been stealing funds from an Imperial military operation to construct a private resort on Tatooine. After crashing into what seemed to be a rock face, which was actually a holographic disguise, Semtin and Olan gain access to Eidolon Base. The Eidolon cruiser supposedly stationed on Tatooine is revealed to be a decoy. The base is filled with art, riches, and weaponry, and Semtin explains that Lirin Banolt was killed after threatening to expose the base. Semtin proposes that Olan take over management of the base and become the effective governor of Tatooine, which Olan accepts.
Rogue Squadron, accompanied by the defecting Imperials, flies toward Eidolon Base and witnesses TIE Interceptors emerging from the holographic mountainside. The defectors, led by Sixtus Quin, launch a ground assault on the base. Olan, who had ordered his forces to attack from the air, begins to panic. Semtin, not wanting to risk Olan falling into Alliance hands, stabs him. Olan stumbles out of the holographic wall, collapsing to the ground where he is confronted by Bib Fortuna's droid-walker.
In the skies, Rogue Squadron engages the TIEs. Tycho Celchu's X-Wing sustains damage, and despite Winter's pleas, he executes his pre-determined plan, much to Winter's dismay. Defying Wedge Antille's orders, Elscol Loro flies out of the atmosphere to attack the orbiting Star Destroyer Harrow, penetrating its docking bay and triggering a catastrophic decompression by destroying its containment field. Plourr Ilo crash-lands on the surface and is rescued by Kapp Dendo. Quin locates Semtin, who attempts to bribe Quin with promises of wealth, but Quin kills him, disgusted by his lack of honor. With the final TIEs destroyed and the base under control, the Rogues emerge victorious.
Upon returning to base, Antilles comforts Winter regarding Celchu, revealing that the "going out with a bang" phrase is a code for ejecting and allowing the X-Wing's R2 unit to perform a suicide run. At Huff Darklighter's estate, the Rogues celebrate, and Winter is reunited with Celchu, giving him the kiss she promised him upon their arrival on Tatooine. Antilles offers Elscol Loro the position of leader of Tatooine's government-backed liberation force, equipped with the captured Imperial weaponry; Loro gratefully accepts the offer.
At Jabba's palace, Fortuna, whose brain has been transplanted into Olan's body by the B'omarr monks, awakens fully restored. Fortuna expresses his joy at being organic once more and continuing his collaboration with Olan, whose brain was placed in a walker-droid of its own. He proclaims that the name of Bib Fortuna will once again be renowned throughout the galaxy.