X-Wing Rogue Squadron #11, also known as "Battleground: Tatooine, Part 3", represents the eleventh installment within the Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron comic book series. Dark Horse Comics published it on August 14, 1996.
With the demise of Jabba the Hutt, a power vacuum emerges, and a concealed Imperial weapons stash might be the key to seizing control. However, only one individual, Firith Olan, possesses knowledge of the hidden arsenal's whereabouts. This knowledge elevates Firith to a position of immense power, but simultaneously makes him a high-priority target. As criminals vie for the deceased Hutt's position, Wedge and Rogue Squadron become embroiled in Battleground: Tatooine in a frantic quest to locate the missing weaponry!
As Rogue Squadron is fighting Imperial TIE fighters alongside Firith Olan's TIE Interceptors, they come to understand that the newly arrived Imperials are singularly focused on eliminating Olan's forces. Choosing not to risk engaging Olan's freighter, Rogue Squadron withdraws to the surface of Tatooine. Meanwhile, the Imperials, led by Captain Marl Semtin of the Star Destroyer Harrow, desire Olan alive and decide to intercept him on Ryloth, his homeworld.
The Rogues, namely Wedge Antilles, Tycho Celchu, and Elscol Loro, accompany Winter on a mission to capture Olan on Ryloth. Upon reaching the Kala'uun starport, the Rogues offer starport master Koh'shak an extravagant "docking fee" consisting of lavish gifts. Elsewhere, Olan meets with Cazne'olan, the leader of the Olan clan, who is considering surrendering Olan to either the Empire or the Alliance. Cazne'olan initiates a competition, with Koh'shak as the judge, to determine which side will gain control of Olan. In this contest, Antilles and Winter face off against the formidable Imperial agents Sixtus Quin and Septaas.
The four participants are transported to the dangerous surface of Ryloth, tasked with retrieving a golden globe located some distance away. Each is equipped with a traditional lyaer-tsa and instructed to inflict only non-lethal injuries on their opponents. As the competition commences, Quin and Septaas attack the Rogues, gaining an initial advantage. However, Septaas is killed by a wild lylek. Antilles and Winter engage the creature, and despite Winter's objections, Antilles saves her life, allowing Quin to secure the globe. At that precise moment, a Ryloth heat storm erupts, seemingly incinerating the three remaining combatants.
The four combatants then awaken and realize that the contest was merely a simulation. Quin expresses his respect for the Rogues, satisfied by their display of honor. Meanwhile, Firith Olan is torturing Bib Fortuna, informing Fortuna of his intention to trade him for his own liberty. Olan is then confronted by a shadowy figure wielding a blaster and manages to escape his confinement.
Koh'shak receives orders to close the portcullis, as Olan has escaped, apparently with Imperial assistance. Koh-shak disregards this instruction, keeping the port open for Imperial entry, influenced by Captain Semtin's gift of a tunic made of koolach silk. Quin, offended by the dishonorable conduct of his superiors, defects and asks Antilles for an opportunity for himself and his fellow Imperial deserters to do what is right.
While transporting the Imperial troopers away from Ryloth, Celchu questions Winter about whether she would have saved Antilles during the contest. Winter maintains that she would have prioritized the globe, as that was the mission's objective. Celchu suggests that Winter's name reflects her cold demeanor, or the "ice water" running through her veins. As Celchu states that he needs no more surprises when they return to Tatooine, Fortuna lurks above them in his walker droid inside the ship's cockpit.