X-Wing Rogue Squadron 10

Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron #10, also known as "Battleground: Tatooine, Part 2", marks the tenth installment in the Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron comic book saga. Dark Horse Comics published it on July 2, 1996.

What the Publisher Said

A critical piece of intelligence has been pilfered by a criminal kingpin, information so crucial that Wedge and the elite Rogue Squadron were planning to seize it themselves! Now, instead of a simple heist, they are forced into a full-blown battle! Amidst the sweltering sands of Tatooine, embroiled in a turf war ignited by the demise of Jabba the Hutt, Rogue Squadron risks everything for the sake of the Rebel Alliance!

Storyline Synopsis

On the desert planet of Tatooine, Kapp Dendo leads a detachment of Rogue Squadron operating as mercenaries to the Darklighter estate, only to discover it engulfed in flames. Wes Janson subdues Dendo, seeking the truth behind the incident, which escalates into a fierce confrontation between Dendo and the Rogues. Firith Olan's forces, returning from their assault, speed past, followed by Wedge Antilles and Winter alongside Tycho Celchu and Elscol Loro aboard Huff Darklighter's cherished speeder. The group eliminates some of Olan's henchmen before Darklighter's speeder is destroyed, and they regroup with the other Rogues, revealing that Dendo and his team were the "distraction" Winter orchestrated to acquire Darklighter's data disk.

Winter, Antilles, and Celchu return to interrogate Darklighter, who discloses that Lirin Banolt (using an alias) attempted to extort "protection money" from him, then bribed him to remain silent about an emerging Imperial base on Tatooine. After Banolt disappeared, Darklighter discovered the data disk at his compound and enlisted a slicer to decrypt it, who succeeded by inputting Banolt's alias "Kier Dom" into an algorithm. Discovering a map leading to a hidden cache of Imperial weaponry, Darklighter utilized some to reinforce his personal security and sold the remainder to recover his losses from "Kier Dom". The Rogues obtain a copy of the disk Darklighter created and uncover the magnitude of the cache, which includes sixty-four TIE interceptors and the Eidolon, an Imperial Strike-class cruiser believed to be lost. Winter theorizes that inputting more of Banolt's aliases might reveal additional caches and that Olan might have already done so. Exhausted, Antilles and Celchu prepare for bed, but not before Celchu offers to be Winter's bodyguard for the night, an offer she declines. Antilles reassures Celchu, suggesting that Winter is interested in him, she just doesn't realize it yet.

The following day, Olan pilots a freighter to the cache containing the TIE interceptors. He coerces Bib Fortuna, whose brain has been implanted within a BT-16 Perimeter Droid formerly used by the B'omarr Order, to continue decoding the disk in search of more caches. At Darklighter's estate, Winter requests Darklighter to utilize his weather satellite to swiftly locate Olan and prevent his takeover of Tatooine. Darklighter is reluctant to assist, believing that bribing corrupt individuals is simply a part of doing business, but Antilles reminds him that Darklighter's son Biggs died fighting against corruption. Darklighter ultimately agrees to help.

Having located Olan, Rogue Squadron pilots their X-Wings to the location to confront operational and manned TIE Interceptors. Loro flies into Olan's krayt dragon nest hideout to destroy the cache, narrowly escaping by blasting a hole in the ceiling. The Rogues ascend out of atmosphere to engage Olan's elite pilots, but are also met by an Imperial squadron of TIEs.

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