Xoxtin was a Chief Hangar Master holding the rank of Senior Lieutenant (female) serving on the Chimaera. Coming from one of Coruscant's most prominent families, her unique way of handling things on the Chimaera was largely unchallenged by fellow naval officers. Following instances of non-compliance that displeased the First Legion, Commander Kimmund suggested to Commodore Karyn Faro that she address Xoxtin's behavior.
Born into a powerful and influential family among the Coruscant elite, Xoxtin's family maintained close ties with a senior adviser of Emperor Palpatine who specialized in Mid Rim affairs. Eventually, she enlisted in the Galactic Empire, achieving the rank of Senior Lieutenant and becoming the Chief Hangar Master on the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer Chimaera. This vessel served as the flagship for Grand Admiral Thrawn and his Seventh Fleet. Her methods were distinct and precise, and due to her family's standing, few naval officers dared to interfere with her unconventional approach to her duties. After the Battle of Atollon, the Chimaera embarked on a mission to the Outer Rim Territories to investigate a sensed disturbance in the Force originating from the planet Batuu. For this assignment, Darth Vader and his personal stormtrooper legion, the First Legion, were brought aboard. Despite Thrawn's instructions for his crew to cooperate, Xoxtin openly defied their directives. Consequently, Commander Kimmund from the First Legion approached Commodore Karyn Faro to report Xoxtin's insubordination. Despite being aware of Xoxtin's family's influence, Faro agreed to speak with Xoxtin and ensure that the First Legion's starships were positioned as Kimmund requested.
Following the Chimaera's return from Batuu, Xoxtin remained in her position. She was part of the ship's crew when Thrawn was assigned to address the Grallocs disrupting supply lines for Project Stardust at the Kurost sector transfer point. After an engagement with the Grysk during that mission, Thrawn departed the Chimaera to investigate a possible young Chiss navigator on a Grysk observation post. When Assistant Director Brierly Ronan requested to accompany him, Thrawn denied his request. After Thrawn's departure, Ronan pressured Commodore Faro to dispatch a second shuttle so he could join the Grand Admiral, but she refused. Facing similar rejection from the other members of the Chimaera's tight-knit officer corps, he turned to Xoxtin. Disregarding Thrawn and Faro, she held Imperial elites in high esteem, even those outside the military hierarchy, such as Ronan's superior, Director Orson Krennic. By invoking Krennic's name, Ronan convinced Xoxtin to provide a shuttle for him to join Thrawn, Admiral Ar'alani, and Lieutenant Eli Vanto of the Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet at the Grysk outpost.