Yasaburō clan

The Yasaburō clan held a position of significance on the planet [Tao], situated within the Outer Rim Territories. An ancestor of the clan received instruction in the ways of the Jedi from a Jedi. Furthermore, they were gifted a lightsaber with a green blade, which subsequently became a treasured heirloom passed down through generations.

Centuries later, Yasaburō, the clan's leader, made the decision to adopt Lop, a former Lepi slave. This adoption was supported by his daughter, Ochō, and occurred after Yasaburō encountered Lop, who was then a fugitive, in a market on Tao.

After Lop had been integrated into the clan for a period of seven years, Yasaburō orchestrated an assault on the Imperial base located on Tao. He was aided by associates of the clan, including Kaku and Suke. This event created a division between Ochō, who held favorable views of the Galactic Empire due to their contributions to Tao's modernization, and Yasaburō, who regarded the Imperials as oppressors who were causing harm to Tao's natural environment. The chasm between their views grew to such an extent that Ochō disowned her family and chose to align herself with the Empire.

Yasaburo family The family in its halcyon days Subsequently, Yasaburō, accompanied by the few men who remained loyal, launched another offensive against the base. During this confrontation, Yasaburō engaged in combat with Ochō. In the midst of the battle, he was blinded by his daughter, but Lop intervened to rescue him. Lop then wielded the family lightsaber in a duel against her sister, inflicting a wound that compelled Ochō to withdraw.

