Yun-Shuno, known as the Pardoner, functioned as the Goddess of Forgiveness within the Yuuzhan Vong religion. The Shamed Ones were exclusively permitted to communicate with her, making them her sole worshipers, as she was the only deity they could address. Legends held that she had a thousand eyes, which she used to observe and safeguard the Shamed Ones from the other gods. Furthermore, it was thought that she alone had the power to heal specific Shamed Ones, enabling their return to their former status. She was also considered the most repulsive deity in the Yuuzhan Vong pantheon, mirroring her "flawed" followers.
Although her worshipers were from the lowest social strata, Yun-Shuno still received the complete respect and reverence due to a Yuuzhan Vong deity. Accordingly, statues representing her were positioned on the bridges of their ships, alongside more "distinguished" deities such as Yun-Yuuzhan, Yun-Yammka, and Yun-Harla. Yuuzhan Vong of higher social standing sometimes mockingly referred to her as the "Many-Eyed Mother of Snivelers," but this was uncommon, and even then, they exercised caution—even a goddess of outcasts was still a goddess.
Onimi detected the divine radiance of Yun-Shuno emanating from Jacen Solo.