Zak Zaz was a physician, specifically a human male of the Mandalorian people. He practiced medicine within a hospital operated by the New Mandalorians in Sundari, the capital city of Mandalore, during the Clone Wars. During that period of conflict, a number of school children across the planet suffered from poisoning, with some being admitted to the Sundari Mandalorian hospital where Dr. Zaz worked. Ultimately, Doctor Zaz successfully identified the underlying cause of the sickness: high concentrations of slabin that had been added to Ardees Beverage tea.
Zak Zaz, a Mandalorian human male, eventually became a doctor. He was stationed at the Sundari Mandalorian hospital located in Sundari, which served as the capital city of the [planet](/article/planet] Mandalore during the time of the Clone Wars. The hospital had only recently opened its doors to the public when a wave of illness began to spread throughout the planet.
As the New Mandalorians sought resources from the black market to meet essential needs, a group of Moogan smugglers started importing shipments of Ardees Beverage tea into Sundari. To maximize their profits by diluting the tea, the smugglers introduced poisonous quantities of the chemical compound slabin. When this tea was distributed to the Sundari Mandalorian school, many of the children who consumed it began to fall ill.

With the hospital overwhelmed with sick children, Duchess Satine Kryze and her acquaintance Senator Padmé Amidala obtained a sample of the tea for analysis. Doctor Zaz performed tests that revealed significant levels of slabin. The two women subsequently uncovered the origin of the contamination and put an end to the scheme, later assisting Doctor Zaz at the hospital in administering antidotes to the affected patients.
The initial appearance of Zak Zaz was in "Corruption," the fifth installment of the third season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, which debuted in 2010.