Zeekay was a mechanical being, a droid, owned by the young Yesula and her father. The child's father and Yesula were saved from a blaze that engulfed their dwelling on the celestial body Veek by Jedi Master Kelnacca and his Padawan, Yarzion Vell, sometime after 227 BBY. After their successful escape, Yesula informed the Jedi that Zeekay remained inside the burning structure, and that the droid's memory banks contained holographic images of her deceased mother. Subsequently, Vell ventured back into the inferno to retrieve Zeekay, ultimately returning the droid to Yesula.

Yesula's droid, named Zeekay, belonged to her and her father. The holograms of Yesula's late mother were stored within its databank. Their residence on the planet Veek was consumed by flames after 227 BBY. Jedi Master Kelnacca and his Padawan, Yarzion Vell, were in the process of rescuing Yesula and her parent, but Yesula resisted leaving, knowing the droid was still trapped inside their burning home. Following their safe escape, Yesula revealed to the Jedi that Zeekay was still within the structure. When Vell inquired about Zeekay's identity, Yesula's father explained that it was their droid, but added that losing Zeekay was insignificant due to its age and diminished functionality. However, Yesula countered by explaining that Zeekay contained holograms of her mother, emphasizing that losing the droid would be like losing her mother again. Upon hearing this, Vell re-entered the burning home and rescued Zeekay. When Vell reunited Yesula with Zeekay, the droid emitted beeping sounds, and Yesula's father expressed his gratitude to the Padawan.
Following this, Vell apologized to his master for rescuing the droid, but Kelnacca immediately performed a knighting ceremony to honor his actions. By the year 133 BBY, as Vell faced his own death, he recounted the story of rescuing Zeekay to his own Padawan, Ordea.
Zeekay's appearance was in a flashback within the one-shot comic book titled The Acolyte - Kelnacca 1, authored by Cavan Scott, with illustrations by Marika Cresta, and published by Marvel Comics on September 4th, 2024.