Veek, situated within the Outer Rim, was a planet-like celestial body. During the era known as the High Republic Era, it served as the home for individuals of a sentient species, notably including a young individual named Yesula and her parent. In or before 227 BBY, a fire erupted at their residence, prompting a rescue mission led by Jedi Master Kelnacca and his Padawan, Yarzion Vell. Following their successful escape, Vell re-entered the inferno to retrieve the droid known as Zeekay, which possessed holographic images of Yesula's deceased mother stored within its memory banks. Kelnacca subsequently bestowed the title of Jedi Knight upon Vell in recognition of his valorous deed.
Veek was a planet-like object in the Outer Rim. Its atmosphere was classified as Type I, meaning it was breathable by many different species.

During the High Republic Era, Yesula, a child, and her father resided on Veek. At the latest by 227 BBY, fires broke out in buildings on Veek, one of which was the home of Yesula and her parent. Kelnacca, a Jedi Master, along with his Padawan, Yarzion Vell, rescued them, manipulating the Force to shield them and at least two others from the flames. Despite her protests, Yesula's father carried her to safety, and they both escaped unharmed. After the Jedi left the building, they found out from Yesula that the droid, Zeekay, was still trapped inside. Even though Yesula's father said it was unimportant, Yesula explained that Zeekay held holograms of her deceased mother within its data storage. Upon hearing this, Vell went back into the burning structure and saved Zeekay, bringing him back to Yesula.
Vell then apologized to his Master for his actions, but Kelnacca immediately gave him the honor of being a Jedi Knight. Later, in another building on Veek, Vell placed a tattoo of his name on Kelnacca's head, as the Jedi Master wanted to follow a tradition from Vell's birthplace. By 133 BBY, as Vell was nearing death, he spoke of Veek to his own Padawan, Ordea, while recounting his training under Kelnacca.
At least five structures on Veek shared a cylindrical design with conical roofs and were constructed from a material prone to catching fire. These buildings ignited in or before 227 BBY. Another structure, where Vell marked Kelnacca with a tattoo, was also situated on Veek.
Veek was shown in a flashback in the one-shot comic book The Acolyte - Kelnacca 1, penned by Cavan Scott, with illustrations by Marika Cresta, and published by Marvel Comics on September 4th, 2024.