The youngling known as Yesula, along with her parent, belonged to a sentient species. At a time occurring no earlier than 227 BBY, multiple members of this species found themselves on the astronomical body Veek. It was there that the residence of Yesula and her father was engulfed in flames. They were saved from this disaster by Jedi Master Kelnacca and his Padawan, Yarzion Vell. Following their escape, Vell went back into the structure to retrieve their droid, Zeekay, whose memory databank contained holograms of Yesula's deceased mother.
This sentient species possessed a physical form characterized by two arms and two legs, with hands bearing multiple fingers. Their mouths contained teeth located centrally, and they were equipped with two ears. Individuals of this species could exhibit eyes and noses of a black hue, and their bodies were covered in tan hair. Lighter patches of hair could be present on their bodies, and they also had the potential to grow longer black hair on their heads.
Galactic Basic Standard served as the language spoken by members of this species.

During the era known as the High Republic Era, the youngling Yesula and her father were members of this species. At a point in time no earlier than 227 BBY, the fire broke out in their dwelling on the Outer Rim location of Veek. Jedi Master Kelnacca and his Padawan, Yarzion Vell, came to their rescue, using the Force to shield them from the inferno as Yesula was carried to safety by her father. Two other members of their species also escaped the burning structure, with several more observing the blaze consuming it and adjacent buildings.
Following the safe escape of Yesula and her father, the Jedi discovered that their droid, Zeekay, remained inside the burning building. Despite Yesula's father dismissing its importance, Yesula insisted that Zeekay's databank contained holograms of her deceased mother, and that losing the droid would be akin to losing her mother all over again. Vell then proceeded to re-enter the burning building and successfully rescued Zeekay, returning him to Yesula. Sometime later, Yesula witnessed Vell tattooing his own name onto the head of Kelnacca, who wished to honor the traditions of his Padawan's home planet. By the year 133 BBY, as Vell neared death, he mentioned Yesula and her father to his own Padawan, Ordea, while recounting his training under Kelnacca.
The species to which Yesula belonged was depicted in a flashback sequence within the one-shot comic titled The Acolyte - Kelnacca 1, authored by Cavan Scott, with illustrations by Marika Cresta, and published by Marvel Comics on September 4, 2024.