
Zelly was a female human, the daughter of Jon Melton and Bevelyn, who were both members of the Imperial military. Zelly, along with her parents and her sibling Reen, resided on the second Death Star of the Empire, where her parents were employed during its construction. Over time, Bev and Melton grew dissatisfied with the Empire and became spies working for the Crimson Dawn criminal organization. Lady Qi'ra, the leader of Crimson Dawn, activated Melton and Bevelyn between 3 ABY and 4 ABY, tasking them with creating disruption for the Empire. The pair decided to defect from the Empire and inform the Rebel Alliance about the Death Star in exchange for safe passage and protection. They brought Zelly and Reen to a shuttle on the station, but before their departure, Major Sharin of the Imperial Security Bureau, the intended passenger of the ships, boarded the shuttle to travel to Al'doleem. Bev killed Sharin, and Melton subsequently piloted the shuttle to escape the Death Star.

During their escape attempt, TIE/IN interceptors pursued the shuttle, and Melton, using the pre-programmed coordinates, initiated their escape, not knowing their final destination. Bevelyn went to check on Reen and Zelly, and Zelly cried out for her mother. The shuttle then arrived at Al'doleem, where TIE fighters were launched after the shuttle, compelling the family to seek refuge on Coruscant, the Imperial capital. Upon reaching orbit, Bev instructed Zelly and Reen to prepare themselves, assigning Reen the responsibility of caring for Zelly. The family then assembled in the cockpit of the shuttle, and Melton activated the shuttle's emergency pod by pressing a button, causing it to land on Level 2685 of the planet's underworld. Melton turned off the pod's emergency beacon, and the family exited the shuttle. Melton suggested they try to blend in and avoid attracting attention, but Zelly pointed out to her father that they had already attracted attention as a crowd of residents gathered around the crashed pod. Bev and Melton then explained to the residents that they were in trouble and needed help, but a resident indicated that they were being pursued by Imperial ships and refused to help. Bev then suggested that the family flee after Melton admitted he was out of ideas.

