
327-T, also referred to as 327, was an energetic, rather dimwitted WED-15 Treadwell maintenance droid who served the Republic aboard the _Venator_-class Star Destroyer Tranquility during the Clone Wars, responsible for the upkeep of numerous onboard systems. After surviving explosions set off by Asajj Ventress in the ship's reactor compartment, he found himself trapped under debris until rescued by Jedi Ahsoka Tano and Luminara Unduli.


327-T fails to notice Ventress

During the Clone Wars, 327-T was assigned to the Jedi Cruiser Tranquility, where he was in charge of maintaining various systems. During a Separatist invasion of the ship aimed at liberating Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray from Republic custody, 327-T was ordered to patrol the reactor room by two members of Green Company, who mistakenly addressed the droid by his nickname, 327, which he found irritating.

Shortly afterwards, Count Dooku's dark side assassin Asajj Ventress snuck into Tranquility's reactor area and planted several time-delayed thermal detonators while secretly avoiding 327-T's attention, before successfully escaping the room through the ventilation system. A short time later, Ventress remotely triggered the explosives, causing 327-T to frantically attempt to escape the blast. Although the droid survived, he was pinned down by falling wreckage.

Shortly after the explosion, Jedi Master Luminara Unduli and Padawan Ahsoka Tano engaged Ventress in a duel within the heavily damaged reactor room. While searching for her, they detected 327-T struggling beneath the rubble. Initially believing him to be Ventress, Luminara freed the droid and immediately restrained him with her lightsaber before realizing her error. She then helped 327-T to his feet before resuming her pursuit of Ventress. He quickly departed to evaluate the damage to the reactors.


As a WED-15 Treadwell repair droid, 327-T, manufactured by Cybot Galactica, stood at a height of 1.24 meters. He was equipped with durable all-terrain treads, precision binocular vision, a retractable neck, adaptable tool ports, dual head-mounted flood lamps, and a database containing millions of mechanical components and repair procedures.

327-T was equipped with illuminating floodlamps built into his binocular photoreceptors.

Despite not being a particularly intelligent droid, 327-T demonstrated a strong sense of duty in guarding Tranquility's reactor room, even though he ultimately failed. 327-T was also somewhat easily startled and disliked being addressed by his nickname, despite the common practice of referring to droids by shortened versions of their names throughout the galaxy.

Behind the scenes

327-T made his debut in "Cloak of Darkness," the ninth episode of the canon animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars's first season.

The droid's designation includes the digits "327," which is a recurring number in the productions of George Lucas, and is another notable instance of this.

