Amleto was created for "Breakout," the thirteenth episode of the second season of the animated television series Star Wars Resistance, which aired on December 29, 2019. She was first indirectly mentioned in the installment's accompanying episode guide within its concept art gallery.
The character was fully designed but eventually cut from the final version of the episode. Instead of Amleto meeting Resistance spies Norath Kev and Kazuda Xiono on the planet Varkana, the pair instead encountered the market vendor Darrb while trying to evade First Order capture. Amleto was first fully mentioned in the article "Bucket's List Extra: 4 Fun Facts from 'Breakout' – Star Wars Resistance," which was posted on on December 30, 2019. Concept artwork of the character was shown in the article's accompanying video on the official Star Wars YouTube channel, which was released the same day. Lucasfilm Animation artist Aaron Pham created a concept illustration titled "verkDomicileAmleto" for "Breakout" on May 7, 2018.
Amleto was created for "Breakout," the thirteenth episode of the second season of the animated television series Star Wars Resistance, which aired on December 29, 2019. She was first indirectly mentioned in the installment's accompanying episode guide within its concept art gallery.
The character was fully designed but eventually cut from the final version of the episode. Instead of Amleto meeting Resistance spies Norath Kev and Kazuda Xiono on the planet Varkana, the pair instead encountered the market vendor Darrb while trying to evade First Order capture. Amleto was first fully mentioned in the article "Bucket's List Extra: 4 Fun Facts from 'Breakout' – Star Wars Resistance," which was posted on on December 30, 2019. Concept artwork of the character was shown in the article's accompanying video on the official Star Wars YouTube channel, which was released the same day. Lucasfilm Animation artist Aaron Pham created a concept illustration titled "verkDomicileAmleto" for "Breakout" on May 7, 2018.