The Balith Civil War was a conflict that took place on the planet Balith during the Clone Wars, leading to requested intervention from the Galactic Republic. Under orders of the Jedi High Council, Jedi General Anakin Skywalker and the Grand Army of the Republic's Third Legion were dispatched to the conflict. Skywalker and Clone Captain Rex departed Coruscant while Skywalker's Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, stayed behind by the orders of the Jedi High Council. Skywalker eventually returned from the conflict after learning that Tano had protected Senator Padmé Amidala – Skywalker's secret wife – from an assassination attempt at the hands of Aurra Sing during the Alderaan Refugee Conference. At one point, refugees from the war passed through the Outer Rim planetoid Sídi, where they paid the innkeeper Rank to use the abandoned military relay tower there to search for good news, but heard nothing. Rank's daughter Bug learned the passcode to get into the tower by spying on him after following the group unnoticed.
The Balith civil war was first mentioned in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars third season episode "Assassin".
- Star Wars: Timelines