
A male Tusken Raider, Bordo was one many Tuskens to be recruited by the Galactic Empire affiliated Dark Jedi Maw. Originally from the planet Tatooine, Bordo was a follower of the Tusken Jedi A'Sharad Hett. When Hett was unmasked by the Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi, Hett's protégé KkH'Oar'Rrhr led Hett's followers offworld. Once discovered by Maw, they were transformed into a mercenary swoop gang known as the Grave Tuskens, and were used to rob ancient Jedi graves.

KkH'Oar'Rrhr eventually left the gang, and the Tusken Rogg took his place as the leader of the Tusken band, acting under Maw. Around 2 ABY Bordo became Rogg's second-in-command, a relationship that proved strenuous. Bordo grew to hate his leader and sought to take his place. Rogg had a high sense of survival and wished to persuade his band that he should have nominal, and safer, leadership, but Bordo blocked the discussion.

During the year 5 ABY, the Tuskens were on the moon of Sulon with their forces scattered around the Katarn family compound and the city of Barons Hed, with Rogg's band making their home in a rest stop along the highway. When Kyle Katarn returned to his home and commandeered a T-4 troop transport towards Barons Hed, Rogg's band of Grave Tuskens gave chase on their swoop bikes.

During the course of the chase, the transport entered a bridge towards the city. Rogg veered to the right with some of his followers dodging Kyle Katarn's fire from the transport's turret; Bordo led the rest of the team to the left side of the bridge; three Tuskens were already shot down, bringing big disappointment to Bordo that Rogg was still alive.

Bordo shot Rogg, took brief control of the gang, boarded Kyle's T-4, and was subsequently shot off of the transport by Kyle. The Jedi escaped, and a number of the remaining Tuskens slammed into an Imperial blockade.

Birth of the Grave Tuskens

Maw, master of the Grave Tuskens

Maw, master of the Grave Tuskens

Born on the planet Tatooine, Bordo was a Tusken Raider male, and a member of the tribe of the Tusken-raised Human A'Sharad Hett. Sometime during or after the year 22 BBY, Bordo learned of the massacre of the Rrhr hunting band, although he was unaware of the culprit: Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker. One day, Bordo's companion, KkH'Oar'Rrhr—also known as Hoar—entered the home of the Jedi hermit Obi-Wan Kenobi, and found the Jedi's lightsaber weapon. Activating it, Hoar experienced a vision of a masked lightsaber wielder striking Hoar down. When Kenobi returned to his hut, Hoar fled, and later told Bordo and the Tusken Sliven about the vision. Both Tuskens told Hoar that the being in the vision must have been the Rrhr clan's killer.

During the year 17 BBY, Hett's clan attacked the homestead of a man named Owen Lars. However, they were intercepted by Kenobi, who battled Hett. Kenobi won, and tore off Hett's face covering bandages. As having one's face uncovered was an act of shame according to Tusken standards, many of Hett's followers abandoned him.

The Tusken Jedi ended up leaving Tatooine behind. Hoar, Bordo, and a multitude of others did not give up on Hett so easily. Hett was pursued by those who still admired the fallen tribesman. The Tuskens' search brought them to the Outer Rim Territories, and they visited planets such as Portug and Dromund Kaas. While on Dromund Kaas, however, they encountered a Dark Jedi follower of the Galactic Empire emperor, Palpatine. The Boltrunian's name was Maw, and the Dark Jedi took the rogue Tuskens under his wing, turning them into a swoop gang. To honor Hett, the new gang of Tuskens adorned new masks that bore to the galaxy their bare faces.

The planet Tython, where Grave Tuskens earned their name of tomb robbing.

The planet Tython, where Grave Tuskens earned their name of tomb robbing.


After robbing Jedi tombs on the planet Tython, Maw officially named his new henchman the Grave Tuskens. Eventually, the Imperial agent Arden Lyn discovered Maw's followers, and took Hoar away to train in the combat art of Teräs Käsi. During 2 BBY, the Tusken Rogg became the gang's leader, while Bordo fell in as Rogg's second-in-command.

Second to none

During 4 ABY, the Empire had been dealt a serious blow with the death of Emperor Palpatine. One year later, the Dark Jedi Jerec rose from the ashes. Maw had since become a member of Jerec's cabal, and naturally, the Grave Tuskens followed in his footsteps.

Despite holding the rank of second-in-command, Bordo nonetheless chafed under Rogg's leadership and grew resentful of his superior. At some point, Rogg sought to survive longer by leading his gang from a safer place instead of leading attacks from the front. Bordo was one who cried out against this decision.

Eventually, the Tuskens were sent to the moon Sulon where they acted as "enforcers", patrolling their vicinity; their base was in a rest stop along the highway between Barons Hed and the farmlands. Jerec had tasked his forces with the raiding of a farm that belonged to Morgan Katarn, a man Jerec had previously murdered. The farmhouse held a map to the mythical Valley of the Jedi embedded in its ceiling, which Jerec valued greatly. Grave Tuskens were stationed all about Katarn's home, as well as the nearby city Barons Hed.

Shortly after the map had been recovered by Jerec's forces, Katarn's son, Kyle, returned to his home, also looking for clues about the Valley of the Jedi, as well as Jerec who murdered his father. Katarn found and reactivated the family droid WeeGee, and the two followed the traces of the stolen Map to Barons Hed. For this, they hijacked a T-4 speeder, but not before alerting the Imperials with their activities. With that, Rogg's gang were alarmed and gave chase to the fleeing son of a farmer on their speeder bikes. Kyle used the gun on the speeder to shoot at the Tuskens, with Rogg evading the bolts, his survival always angering Bordo.

Eventually, the chase led to a bridge above a canyon; the band was divided to right and left with Bordo flying up on the T-4's left side; setting his bike on auto, he managed to board alongside another Tusken. Bordo felt that it was time to usurp control of the gang from Rogg, and he shot the Tusken leader in the face, killing him, before having the time to board. Bordo was confident that nobody saw his act amid the chaos of the battle. Meanwhile, the T-4 ended up in the shadow of Kyle's starship, the Moldy Crow. As Kyle communicated with the pilot, Bordo and Kyle simultaneously raised their blasters at each other. However, the man, who was a fledgling Jedi himself, proved faster with the trigger than Bordo, and shot the Grave Tusken through the chest. Bordo died, and his body fell over the speeder's tailgate and onto the road. The second Tusken was also shot and killed by the Jedi. Kyle and WeeGee were extracted from the speeder by the ship, which then slammed into an Imperial blockade. Several of the other Tuskens, who had been going way to fast to slow down, also crashed into the barricade and were killed.

Personality and traits

When Hett was unmasked by Kenobi after a fierce duel, many Tuskens abandoned their leader due to the shame associated with being unmasked. However, Bordo was one in a handful of Tuskens that continued to look up to Hett. Following Hoar, Bordo ran among the stars in search of Hett, but instead found a new master: the Dark Jedi Maw. Later yet, the Tusken Rogg came to act as the leader of the Tuskens under Maw. However, Bordo found Rogg's command to be a grating experience, and grew tired of his leader's command. Since Rogg wanted to lead his men from a safer position, Bordo believed Rogg to be a coward, and spoke out against this change.

Three years of Rogg's command and obeying, answering and apologizing to him was enough for Bordo; he felt that his continued compliance to Rogg and the chief's self-important attitude was enough to choke a krayt dragon. During the speeder chase on Sulon, Bordo became angry when three of their men killed and Rogg surviving. After boarding Kyle Katarn's speeder, Bordo's first order of business was to turn around and shoot his commander, and act that caused him to smile. Before moving on to engage Kyle, Bordo made sure that his murder was lost in the confusion of the chase.


Like the other Grave Tuskens, Bordo operated a swoop bike. The Grave Tuskens' bikes normally stood vertically when not in motion. The bikes were equipped with blaster cannons. Bordo also carried a blaster on his person. Although many of the Grave Tuskens took to wearing masks that revealed their skin as an honor towards Hett, Bordo still covered his face in bandages.

Behind the scenes

Bordo was created for the 1998 novella Dark Forces: Rebel Agent, written by William C. Dietz. Although the Tuskens in the novella are not named Grave Tuskens, the video game that the novella is based upon, Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II, establishes the name of the Tusken group affiliated with the Empire. Bordo and the other Tuskens do not appear in the audio drama based on the novella. Bordo was later mentioned again in the second part of the Star Wars Blog article, Barely Tolerable: Alien Henchmen of the Empire, which explained the history of the Grave Tuskens.



