The Dark Wars (3955–3951 BBY) was a number of conflicts which stemmed from the defeat of the Sith Empire during the Jedi Civil War. The First Jedi Purge and much of the Sith Civil War occurred during this turbulent period.
The Dark wars began after the defeat of the dark lord Darth Malak on the Star Forge. After the battle, many Sith Lords took what was left of Darth Revan's Sith Empire and made smaller Sith kingdoms. By 3954 BBY, the Sith Triumvirate was founded by Darth Traya and quickly took control of the many Sith kingdoms. Shortly after the First Jedi Purge began, killing most of the Jedi. In 3951 BBY the Jedi exile Meetra Surik killed Darth Nihilus in the Battle of Telos IV. Later that year she killed Darth Sion and Kreia on Malachor V. Soon after what remained of the Sith Empire fell apart, by 3950 BBY the entire Sith Empire was destroyed from infighting.
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