Following a battle over Yavin Prime, the New Republic came into the possession of the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer, Victorum, to be used in Project Starhawk. The ship was damaged in the battle, and couldn't make the full jump from Yavin Prime to the Nadiri Dockyards, and was trapped in Imperial territory. After calling in for help, the Temperance sent Vanguard Squadron to give them cover from two oncoming Quasar Fire-class cruiser-carriers closing in on the Star Destroyer.
As Vanguard Squadron arrived in the system, the Imperials began to deploy TIE bombers to destroy the Star Destroyer. Vanguard Squadron fought off several waves of TIE fighters and Lambda-class T-4a shuttles that carried boarding teams, while the team inside the Victorum quickly repaired the Star Destroyer's shields and hyperdrive. Vanguard called in a squadron of six BTL-A4 Y-wing assault starfighter/bombers to help them destroy the Quasar carriers. After this, a break in the battle appeared, the Y-wings were sent back and Vanguard Squadron began to practice tactical flight manoeuvres, while the Victorums crew worked to repair the ship.
After the repairs were completed, the Star Destroyer attempted to jump to hyperspace but the hyperdrive failed again. This time, however, more Quasars appeared, alongside two Raider-class corvettes. Vanguard worked to take out the TIE/ln space superiority starfighters and destroy the corvettes. The Victorums crew managed to repair the hyperdrive, just as three more Raiders, two Quasars, two Arquitens cruisers, and three Imperial-class Star Destroyers dropped out of hyperspace in front of the New Republic forces and ready to destroy them. This time, the hyperdrive worked and they were able to escape to lightspeed.
Vanguard Squadron escorted the Victorum to the Nadiri dockyards, where it's parts were salvaged and used for the new prototype Starhawk-class battleship, the Starhawk.